Nyack People & Places New Edward Hopper Painting Found at River Hook in Nyack? “Holy Smokes!” said the amateur art historian upon seeing a framed watercolor hanging on the wall of an exhibit at River Hook’s Arbor Day... Mike HaysOctober 20, 2022
News Rivertown Film Society Streams Bill Traylor: Chasing Ghosts, a Story of an Artist and Plantation Life by Juliana Roth In 1853, Bill Traylor was born into slavery on an Alabama cotton plantation, then lived as a sharecropper after the Civil... julianarothMay 8, 2021
Arts RoCA Offers Virtual Art History Lecture & Art Workshop by Amy Alinkofsky Although Rockland Center for the Arts (RoCA) remains closed due to NY Pause, it continues its mission of enrichment through the... amyalinkofskyMay 28, 2020
Arts Postcard from NY: Iconic Images by Alison Perry Photographers who pursue rural and urban places in the American landscape often include iconic objects in their pursuit. Icons are cultural... News & Views StaffJune 24, 2012