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The Villages

The Other Redistricting Effort That Should Be on Your Radar

This week in the Villages: We take a look at the next redistricting battle you should be paying attention to in Rockland County. Plus, your weekly weather prediction, Covid updates, upcoming meetings and much more! What do you think we should be covering in your village? Send us stories, ideas, pictures and feedback at Read about our plans for the future here.

This is a map of the current districts in the Rockland County legislature. They will be re-drawn this year with upcoming elections set for 2023.

An $800 million budget with district lines yet to be drawn

Much (digital) ink was spilled, here and elsewhere, over the tumultuous Congressional redistricting effort that ended with chaotic game of musical chairs and in-fighting among Democrats.

But there’s another legislative body — with a nearly $800 million budget — that is also going through a redistricting process: Rockland County.

On Tuesday, the county’s Special Committee for Redistricting meets at 5 pm in the Legislature’s Chambers, 11 New Hempstead Road in New City, to discuss new redistricting maps.

Let’s briefly look at what this means for Rockland’s legislative future.

Every 10 years, most legislatures (federal, state, county, city, etc.) around the country re-draw district lines to reflect population changes.

According to its by-laws, each district in Rockland should be “roughly” the same size, about 20,000 people (or 19,918 to be exact), based on 2020 census data. Right now, those districts are somewhat disproportionate, with one district containing around 17,000 people and another with more than 24,000, so some adjustment is needed.

While legally-speaking, they will try to make the districts more even population-wise, it remains to be seen how they will re-draw the lines. Will they favor one party over another? Will they favor one demographic group or religious body over another?

For those unfamiliar with redistricting efforts, when certain groups are favored and given power (or when power is taken from a group) during re-districting, it’s called “gerrymandering.”

Despite laws being on the books to prevent the dilution of the voting power for “communities of interest” during the re-districting process, gerrymandering remains a huge problem and often leads to legislation that is out of step with popular opinion. (Look at what’s going on in Ohio, where a near total ban on abortion is at odds with their electorate.)

According to some political observers, Rockland County’s district lines in 2012 were drawn to favor Hassidic communities at the expense of other groups comprised of people of color.

While Republicans control the Rockland County executive office, Democrats hold a slim 9-8 majority in the legislature. (Click here to meet all 17 county legislators.)

All of these candidates will be up for re-election in 2023, an off year as far as election cycles go, which usually depresses turnout. That means every vote will be important, wherever you stand on the political spectrum.

Although they won’t be taking public comment directly at the meeting, you can watch the meeting live on the county’s YouTube channel and send in your thoughts via email,; regular mail: Clerk to the Rockland County Legislature, 11 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956; or drop off at the Legislature’s offices during business hours (9 am to 5 pm, weekdays).

If the Redistricting Committee adopts the maps and the law on Tuesday, the process moves to the full Legislature for final adoption following public hearings scheduled for Sept. 7 and Sept. 8 in New City.

You can email comments to (or mail or hand-deliver them) up until 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 8.

For more information, visit the county’s official redistricting page.

Also, if you’re interested in running, legislators make about $65,000 a year and only have to attend three meetings a month. Not bad!

Quote of the Week

“It’s crucial to stress that this overall effort is important because these maps will be in place for the next decade, until the next census is completed and released. We really want and need to get it right.”

Alden C. Wolfe, Rockland County legislator and co-chair of the redistricting committee

In other relevant news

  • Here’s our rundown of Sean Patrick Maloney’s primary victory in the 17th congressional district over Alessandra Biaggi.
  • Here’s LoHud’s local primary election wrap up.
  • Nancy Cutler reports on polio vaccination rates in Rockland County for LoHud.
  • Some leftovers from last week:
  • Due to “dry conditions” that have led to “unprecedented” flow levels in the Ramapo River, Rockland County declared a Stage 2 water emergency and is restricting water usage for lawns and gardening.
  • Lawns: Lawns may be watered twice a week only on specified days.  Properties with odd numbered addresses may water lawns during specific hours only on Mondays and Thursdays. Properties with even numbered addresses may water lawns during specific hours on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Watering hours are between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. for automatic, in-ground irrigation systems.  For manual sprinklers or hose fed irrigation the hours are between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.  (NOTE: this schedule supersedes the schedule stated in the Rockland County Sanitary Code section
  • Gardening: Flower gardens, vegetable gardens and landscaped areas (trees, shrubs, potted plants or other outdoor plants) can be watered during specified hours every other day of the month according to property address.  Properties with odd numbered addresses may water on odd days of the month (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.) and properties with even numbered addresses may water on even days of the month (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.).  Watering hours are between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., for automatic, in-ground irrigation systems. For manual sprinklers or hose fed irrigation the hours are between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
  • If you haven’t read it yet, please check our vision for the future of Nyack News & Views and how you can help build our coverage and capacity.

Weather prediction

Some rain in the forecast Tuesday and then mostly clear skies and temperatures in the mid- to high-80s for the rest of the week. [National Weather Service]

Covid Update (as of Aug. 15)

Severe cases and hospitalizations in the greater Nyack area have leveled off. As of August 15, the CDC is now classifying Rockland County at a “low” Covid threat level. 

Testing Info

  • More than 81.8% of eligible people in Rockland County are vaccinated with at least one dose. To schedule an appointment for a 1st dose, 3rd dose (for immunocompromised), or booster COVID-19 vaccine from any Rockland County Department of Health Clinic visit To search for additional COVID-19 vaccination opportunities nearby visit
  • Find a COVID-19 testing site near you, by visiting Individuals who have questions regarding eligibility or access for testing should call the New York State COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or visit the NYSDOH website

Village updates


  • Drop off humanitarian aid for victims of the war in Ukraine (, including first aid, painkillers, blankets, baby food, diapers, non-perishable food, antibiotics and more, at Village Hall, 9 N. Broadway (or at the Orangetown town hall, 26 W. Orangeburg Rd.).

Upper Nyack



  • The Technical Advisory Committee, which “evaluates the technical adequacy of land development applications and decides their readiness for Planning Board review,” meets most Wednesdays, including Wednesday 8/24, from 10 am to noon, in the town hall’s Historic Map Room.
  • For a calendar list of all Clarkstown meetings and events, click here.

Other Local Updates

South Nyack advocates have filed a petition with the town of Orangetown seeking to show support for a new Elizabeth Place Playground — the grassy play area and dog park just south of 87 and right off the Esposito trail. After South Nyack dissolved in March, the town found the playground equipment at Elizabeth Place was unsafe and not compliant with ADA regulations and removed it. A new ADA compliant park has been proposed and advocates want to see the proposal approved and implemented. Click here to read and/or sign the petition.

Nyack Schools

  • Masks are currently optional for all students and staff in all Nyack district schools.


A rare polio case was recently discovered in Rockland County. Here’s some info on how to protect yourself:

  • New Yorkers can pre-register for a free polio vaccination appointment here or call 845-238-1956 to schedule. Walk-ins will also be accepted.
  • Vaccines are also available through local healthcare providers, including Federally Qualified Health Centers.
  • For more information on polio including symptoms and spread, visit NYSDOH’s page here.
  • New Yorkers can learn more about the polio vaccine available in the U.S. at CDC’s page here.
  • The Reviving Rockland Restaurants Grant Program will reimburse businesses between $5,000 and $25,000 for past expenses or fund future expenses for eligible outdoor dining COVID-19 mitigation equipment. Eligible entities include restaurants, food stands, food trucks, bars, saloons, lounges, taverns, bakeries, delis, cafes, breweries, wineries, and other similar places of business. For more information and to download an application visit
  • Fill out this survey to help the county provide better digital services.

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Nyack Farmer's Market

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