Kathie Bennewitz, Executive Director of the Edward Hopper House Museum & Study Center on North Broadway in Nyack, highlights that Edward Hopper, renowned for...
Garret Henry Hopper, who went by “G.H. Hopper” in business and “Garry” among friends, bore the appearance of an Edwardian intellectual or a European...
Bicycling continues to grow in popularity year after year, with various types of bikes sharing the narrow streets of Nyack. From road bikes to cargo...
Edward Hopper’s famous painting Nighthawks is one of the most iconic American paintings of the 20th century. The question arises as to whether Hopper depicted an actual...
Whether it is Nighthawks in the Diner, Early Sunday Morning, New York Movie, or Morning Sun, Edward’s Hopper’s grip on America’s imagination only gets stronger over time. How...
OPENING RECEPTION: November 16, 2022, 6:00 – 7:30pmat the Hopper House, The reception is open to Museum Members, guests, and the public by reservation....