Arts Nyack Sketch Log: Write Your Truth by Bill Batson My first Nyack Sketch Log, published on August 23, 2011, was an early exercise in truth telling. Liberty Street is Aptly... Bill BatsonFebruary 6, 2018
Arts Words & Images: Beatty Lives On! by Tanya Sherman Probably, because my was so passionate about books and reading, she was inspired by my brother Michael and I to share... Bill BatsonFebruary 4, 2018
News Nyack Sketch Log: Spoken History by Bill Batson Major gaps in my ancestry explain my fascination with family, local and black history. I was born in the interval between... Bill BatsonJanuary 30, 2018
Arts Words & Images: Beach Memories by George Sherman Years ago, when our children were very young, we spent the summer months of the Jersey shore. The beach that we... Bill BatsonJanuary 28, 2018
Arts Nyack Sketch Log: Reverend Owen C. Thompson of Grace Church by Bill Batson The Reverend Owen C. Thompson has led the flock at Grace Episcopal Church since September 2013. You may have seen the... Bill BatsonJanuary 23, 2018
Arts Words & Images: Comfortable Reverie in Piermont by Arline Schatz It was my aspirational premise that if I were to live in a community that engulfed its residents with beauty and... Bill BatsonJanuary 21, 2018
News Nyack Sketch Log: NAACP President Dr. Frances Pratt by Bill Batson Elegant hats have become the symbol of local civil rights icon Frances Pratt. But when she arrived at the Port Authority... Bill BatsonJanuary 16, 2018
Arts Words & Images: My Journey by Alma Roman I began my journey in a small village in the rural south. My parents were self-educated after attending the one school... Bill BatsonJanuary 14, 2018
News Nyack Sketch Log: A New Way to Commemorate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Bill Batson When Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed 50 years ago this April, the assassin was not just trying to... Bill BatsonJanuary 9, 2018
Arts Words & Images: Mostly Happy by Jene Nickford There’s an old jetty, silhouetted along the Hudson River, with sail boats on the horizon faintly discerned in front of the... Bill BatsonJanuary 7, 2018