Arts Nyack People & Places: Edward Hopper’s Neighborhood at the Time of His Birth by Mike Hays Born on July 22, 1882, the second of two children, Edward Hopper is Nyack’s most important native son. His paintings continue... Mike HaysJuly 22, 2021
News Nyack People & Places: A Look Back at 2020 by Mike Hays When we burn our 2020 calendars and combine its ashes with the ashes of all of our plans, hopes, and expectations... Mike HaysDecember 24, 2020
History Nyack People & Places: John Lyon, Hudson’s Oldest River Captain by Mike Hays “A-l-l A-b-o-a-r-d” was announced so loud that it could be heard from the ferry landing to the top of the Nyack... Mike HaysSeptember 17, 2020