Mayor Richard Kavesh appointed two new residents to the the Nyack Housing Authority: Marie Lorenzini and Cara Bristol.
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I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Marie Lorenzini and Cara Bristol to the Nyack Housing Authority. Marie is a 29-year Nyack resident who has already given many years of service to the village, while Cara is working for the people of Nyack for the first time since moving here just two years ago. Here’s a bit of information about our two new NHA members.
Few people have done more for the people of Nyack than Marie Lorenzini. A former member of Nyack’s Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board, Marie served as a Nyack Village Trustee from 2004 ‘€“ 2009. She’s a graduate of Leadership Rockland, listed in ‘€œWho’s Who of American Women,’€ worked for years on Nyack’s Comprehensive Master Plan, and is the Chair of Nyack’s Tappan Zee Bridge Task Force. She even finds time to work for the Soup Angels of Nyack and is the President of the advisory board of the Giving to Ghana Foundation. Marie’s term expires in April, 2012.
Cara moved to Nyack two years ago with her husband and children, now aged 3 and 5. She moved to Nyack ‘€œbecause of its strong sense of community and social and economic diversity,’€ she says. ‘€œMy early exposure to different cultures enhanced my appreciation of the value of different perspectives and my understanding of how people can cooperate and build a better community.’€ Cara attended New York City public schools and Hunter College. She describes herself as ‘€œparticularly concerned with the improvement of public spaces both in terms of beauty and safety.’€ Cara’s term expires in April, 2011.
Chartered by the State of New York, the Village of Nyack Housing Authority was first established in 1960, by the New York State legislature, as an institution to provide and facilitate access to affordable housing for the least financially fortunate of Nyack’s citizens. The Authority owns and operates three facilities (Waldron Terrace, Depew Manor and the Nyack Senior Center) which were built with funds and operating subsidies from New York State, and land, tax exempt status, and guaranteed services from the Village of Nyack.
Other members of the Authority include Minerva Parker, Brooke Malloy, Tenant Representatives Gail Miller and Robert Reese, and Chair Richard Gressle. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Meetings alternate between Depew Manor and Waldron Terrace.