How To: Create a New Post
Have something to say but don’t know how to make yourself heard? No worries — you’ve clicked to the write place.
To start a new thread of conversation, click the new post link at the top of the page. If you aren’t already logged in, you will be prompted to do so. If you don’t have a login name, click the register link to create a login for yourself. BTW, your registration isn’t authenticated until you respond to an email from NyackNewsAndViews. So, won’t be able to login and add new posts. :>)
After you login, click the new post link again and you will be redirected to a page where you can create your new post.
Subscribe to NyackNewsAndViews (don’t worry, it’s free)
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Posting Principles: Everything in Moderation
If you have never posted before, there may be a slight delay before your deep thoughts make it to CRT screens all over Rockland County and the World Outside Nyack. Our crack team of editors will review your posts as quickly as possible to screen out spam and stuff that Isn’t Fit To Print. It’s our goal to have an uncensored discourse which includes everyone and insults no one. At any point, please tell us how you think we are doing!