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The Villages: Milling and Paving

This week in the villages: It’s time for several Nyack streets to get a much needed makeover. And there’s still time to take a survey about how you use and view the library, apply for the Board of Water Commissioners vacancy, donate school supplies, or put in a bid to the Village of South Nyack for Replacement of Concrete Curbs, Sidewalks, and Handicap Accessible Ramps. The Town of Clarkstown continues its concert series and rescheduled its Movie Night.

Nyack Area COVID Update for August 28

28-Aug 21-Aug 14-Aug 7-Aug 31-Jul 24-Jul
Active cases by community
Nyack 11 19 28 20 10 7
Valley Cottage 10 11 13 8 4 7
West Nyack 13 15 17 7 4 4
Piermont 4 1 2 1 0 0
Rockland County
7 day postivity rate 2.6% 2.2% 2.2% 2.5% 1.7% 0.6%
Active cases 641 731 733 461 239 156
Hospitalized 17 17 16 11 5 4
COVID-19 deaths (total) 970 970 970 969 968 968

Source: Rockland County Health Department / NYS Health Department, 8/28/2021

To schedule an appointment for a 1st dose COVID-19 vaccine from any Rockland County Department of Health Clinic visit To search for additional COVID-19 vaccination opportunities nearby visit

A third dose of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech (mRNA) vaccine is now available to people with certain medical conditions that compromise their immune system. Recent data shows that persons who are moderately to severely immunocompromised are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 because they are more at risk of serious, prolonged illness.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional vaccine dose. This includes people who have:

  • Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
  • Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response

The recommendation by the CDC is for moderately to severely immunocompromised people to receive a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 28 days after their second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. People should talk to their healthcare provider about their medical condition, and whether getting an additional dose is appropriate for them.

Currently, there is insufficient data to support the use of an additional Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine dose after a single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination series in immunocompromised people. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and CDC are actively working to provide guidance on this issue.

Third doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine should be the same as what you initially received. If the vaccine given for the first two doses is not available, the other vaccine may be administered. A person should not receive more than three Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine doses. If you need a third dose, you can walk in; no appointment is necessary. If you have health insurance, please bring your benefit card with you. The vaccine is free; however, the health department can collect an administrative fee from insurance plans. All are welcome regardless of immigration status.

Village of Nyack

The Nyack Business Council will hold a meeting via Zoom today (Mon, Aug 30, 2021) at 4p.

Milling and Paving Begins This Week

Milling and Paving on the following streets will start Aug 31, 2021 and is scheduled to be completed by Sept 3, 2021:

  • Front St- 6th Ave to northern border
  • West End Ave – 6th Ave to dead end
  • Central Ave – 6th Ave to dead end
  • Hart Pl – 5th to 6th Ave
  • Anna St- Cedar Hill Ave to Depew Ave
  • Crosby St- Depew Ave to dead end

If you have any questions regarding paving, please contact the Department of Public Works at or call 845-358-3552. All phone messages and emails will be returned. Further information about the 2021-2022 Road Paving Schedule may be found on

Board of Water Commissioners Vacancy

There is currently a vacant seat on the Village of Nyack, Board of Water Commissioners. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 4:30p. Board members must be residents of the Village of Nyack. Candidates for commissioner must be familiar with cash flow statements, revenue and expense reports and other financial statements, have the ability to make financial decisions that reflect good judgment for the Village residents and the operational needs of the Water Department, be available for meetings other than those regularly scheduled, and understand Village and Water Department policies and procedures.

For those interested in serving an unexpired term (through 12/31/23), please forward a letter of intent and a resume to Barbara Kunar, Village of Nyack Water Department, 9 N Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960 or email to by Sept 1, 2021. Candidates will be interviewed by the Board of Water Commissioners at their meeting on Sept 9, 2021 or Oct 14, 2021. Please call (845) 358-0641 with any questions.

Temporary Bus Layover Downtown

Due to the construction of the supermarket at the Riverspace building on Main St, there will be a temporary layover for the displaced busses on Cedar St, the west side of the street adjacent to Veterans Park. This will be in effect until Oct 18, 2021.

Nyack Library Community Survey

The Nyack Library is developing a new long range plan and needs your help to gather data about the library’s role, collections and services as they plan for the future. Please consider taking a 15-20 minute survey about how you use and view the Nyack Library. Your participation is anonymous, although you will have a chance to share your contact information if you would like. The deadline to take the survey is Aug 31, 2021.

School Supply Drive

State Assemblyman Mike Lawler, in conjunction with the St. Charles AME Zion Church in Sparkill, is sponsoring a School Supply Drive to collect school supplies for needy families and students across the 97th Assembly District. Supplies may be dropped off at Nyack Village Hall, 9 N Broadway, at Orangetown Town Hall, 26 Orangeburg Rd, or at several other locations through the end of August.

Supplies needed include: backpacks, lunch boxes, no. 2 pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, crayons, glue sticks colored pencils ballpoint pens, zippered pencil bags, 12” rulers, protractors, blunt tipped scissors, 3×5 index cards, 5×7 index cards, wide ruled loose leaf paper, spiral notebooks, subject dividers, 1” 3-ring binders, and pocket folders without fasteners.

Summer Food Program

Just a reminder: Nyack’s Summer Food Program is offering FREE breakfast and lunch to ANY child under 18 each weekday through September 3. There are two locations: Waldron Terrace and The Nyack Center. There is no sign-up, no application, no income requirement, and no identification needed. Masks are required.

Village of South Nyack

Request for Proposals

The Village of South Nyack is seeking bids for Replacement of Concrete Curbs, Sidewalks, and Handicap Accessible Ramps in various locations within the Village of South Nyack. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack until 11a on Sept 8, 2021. General instructions to interested bidders may be found on The Village of South Nyack is also seeking bids for Chain Link Fence Removal and Installation in the Village of South Nyack. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack until 10a on Sept 8, 2021. General instructions to interested bidders may be found on

Town of Orangetown

Safe Exchange Zone

The Town of Orangetown and the Orangetown Police Department have setup a Safe Exchange Zone. The spot is located in front of the entrance to Town Hall and the Police Department. This area is under 24-hour video surveillance and is meant to be a safe place for child custody and internet purchase exchanges.

Town of Clarkstown

Summer Concert Series

Join the Town of Clarkstown for a Summer Concert Series show featuring the Mighty Spectrum Band on Wed, Sept 1, 2021 at 7:30p. The concert will be held at the Lake Nanuet Ballfield, 1 Lake Nanuet Dr and Blauvelt Rd. Residents should bring their own chairs or blankets. The raindate is Thurs, Sept 2.

Movie Night Rain Date

Join the Town of Clarkstown for Movie Night on Fri, Sept 3, 2021. The Secret Garden will be shown on a large outdoor screen at the Lake Nanuet Ballfield, 1 Lake Nanuet Dr and Blauvelt Rd at 8:30p. Residents should bring their own chairs or blankets and refreshments will be available for purchase.

Nyack Farmer's Market

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