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The Villages: Music to the Ears

This week in the villages: Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and get ready for the return of summer music series at three venues. On Tuesday, enjoy an evening of music on the Hudson at Nyack’s Memorial Park. On Friday, jam out at lunch at New City’s Kevin Landau Park and end the day with music at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Orangeburg. The Town of Orangetown’s Family Movie Night moves to Wednesday. There will be a Board of Trustees meeting and workshop in the Village of Nyack. And there will be a blood drive at Dominican College.

Nyack Area COVID Update for July 3

3-Jul 26-Jun 19-Jun 12-Jun 5-Jun 29-May
Active cases by community
Nyack 0 2 5 3 3 6
Valley Cottage 0 0 1 1 1 4
West Nyack 3 1 1 0 0 4
Piermont 1 1 1 1 0 0
Rockland County
7 day postivity rate 0.8% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.6%
Active cases 71 64 69 92 124 190
Hospitalized 2 1 6 6 9 6
COVID-19 deaths (total) 966 965 963 963 961 957

Source: Rockland County Health Department / NYS Health Department, 7/3/2021

To schedule an appointment for a 1st dose COVID-19 vaccine from any Rockland County Department of Health Clinic visit To search for additional COVID-19 vaccination opportunities nearby visit

July 4th Observance Transportation Changes

Today, Mon, July 5, 2021, Transport of Rockland (TOR) buses 59, 91, 92, 93, 94, and Loop 3 will operate on a Saturday schedule; Loop 1 and Loop 2 will operate on a regular schedule; there will be no service on TOR 95 and 97. Hudson Link buses will operate on a weekend schedule; and Metro-North will also operate a weekend schedule. TRIPS paratransit buses will operate A.D.A. service only. Additional transportation changes may be found on

Village of Nyack

The Village Board of Trustees will hold a workshop via Zoom on Thurs, July 8, 2021 at 7p. Then, Zoom into the Village Board meeting at 7:30p.

Music on the Hudson

After a year hiatus, Nyack Park Conservancy’s Music on the Hudson series returns to Memorial Park on Tue, July 6, 2021 at 7p with Anbassa & The Word Sound Power Movement. Bring your blankets, chairs, and a picnic dinner, and come out to enjoy the music with your friends, family, and neighbors. The series continues every Tuesday through July 27.

Summer Food Program

Just a reminder: Nyack’s Summer Food Program is offering FREE breakfast and lunch to ANY child under 18 each weekday through September 3. There are two locations: Waldron Terrace and The Nyack Center. There is no sign-up, no application, no income requirement, and no identification needed. Masks are required.

Village of South Nyack

Draft Dissolution Plan

The Village of South Nyack is now accepting comments on the draft of the South Nyack Dissolution Plan, which will be followed up with a public hearing on Wed, July 21, 2021 at 7p at Living Christ Church, 151 S Broadway. The Village Board will then have 60 days to amend and adopt the plan. The draft of the South Nyack Dissolution Plan may be found on All residents are encouraged to attend this hearing and to take the opportunity to submit your comments on the draft dissolution plan. If you are unable to attend, you may email your comments to: before 12p on Tue, July 20, 2021. This hearing will be video recorded and posted on the village website for public viewing.

Village of Upper Nyack

Village Hall Is Now Open

Village Hall is now open to the public. Because of the short notice on the expiration of Executive Order 202.1, it is preferable that Village business continue to be conducted by phone, email, and drop box to the greatest extent possible. The expiration also means the end to board meetings by Zoom for the time being. Until further notice, meetings of the Village Board of Trustees will be held in person at the Old Stone Meeting House and the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Architectural Review Boards will meet in person in the meeting room of Village Hall.

There is currently a reorganization of the office space at Village Hall as well as an upgrading of the Old Stone Meeting House so that it can more effectively be used for in-person public meetings later this year.

Town of Orangetown

Movies in the Park

Join Orangetown’s Parks & Recreation Department for their Wednesday Family Movie Night in Veteran’s Memorial Park on Wed, July 7, 2021 at 8p for a screening of Despicable Me. The cost is $3 per person with a maximum of $15 per family (same household only). Space will be limited and social distancing rules will be in place. In case of rain, the movies will be shown at a later date. For more information, please email Please visit to register.

”Rock the Park” Summer Concert Series

Join Orangetown’s Parks & Recreation Department for their “Rock the Park” Summer Concert Series in Veteran’s Memorial Park on Fri, July 9, 2021 at 7:45p featuring The Chiclettes showcasing female artists of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.

Blood Drive at Dominican College

Assemblyman Mike Lawler is sponsoring a blood drive at Dominican College, 470 Western Highway, Orangeburg (Back Gym Aux.) on Thurs, July 8, 2021 from 11a-4p. Visit and enter sponsor code: DominicanCollegeNY to schedule an appointment.

Town of Clarkstown

Friday Lunchtime Summer Concert Series

There will be a lunchtime concert in the Kevin Landau Park, Corner of Main St and Congers Rd, New City on Fri, July 9, 2021 from 12:15-1:45p featuring the sounds of Acoustica. Bring your lunch and a lawn chair and start your weekend on a high note.

Camp Counselors and Life Guards Needed

Clarkstown Recreation is looking for camp counselors and lifeguards for the summer of 2021. Applications can be found on or you may call 639-6200.

Western Highway Bridge Closure

As part of the Klein Ave Levee Improvement Project, the Town of Clarkstown’s contractors will be raising the Western Highway bridge to a higher elevation to reduce flooding in the West Nyack area. Western Highway (between Green Road and Pineview Road) is expected to close within the next two weeks and will remain closed for six months.

Traffic will be detoured as follows.

  • Southbound: Doscher Ave to Rt. 59 to Rt 303.
  • Northbound: Leber Road to Rt. 303.

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