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Nyack Schools Budget & Board Election Results

Credit: Nyack Public Schools

The results of yesterday’s School Board Election and Budget Vote are in: incumbent Karen Hughes will remain on the school board for a fourth term, and progressive challenger John Duval will become the newest member of the board, replacing incumbent Damon Bender. Hughes received a total of 947 votes; Duval received 664; Bender received 479. Hughes and Duval will begin their 3-year terms on June 1.

“Mostly, I’m just feeling humbled by the support from the community and determined to do right by all of our kids and families.” Duval said of his successful bid for a spot on the board. “We’re really lucky and proud to be part of this wonderful place.”

Both the annual Budget Proposition and Proposition #2 passed by a wide margin: 967 to 158, and 972 to 153, respectively. The passage of the Budget Proposition will increase the district budget to $91,388,000. The approval of Proposition #2 will allow the district to use $2 million dollars from the 2015 Capital Reserve Fund to finance a redevelopment project at the district’s newly acquired 366 N. Highland Ave property, including the construction of a new parking lot and the reconfiguring of the entry/exit driveway at Nyack High School.

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