This week in the villages: On Thursday there will be a public hearing for proposed parking changes in Nyack. There will also be street paving on High Avenue in Nyack and on North Broadway in Upper Nyack this week. Germonds Pool reopens on Tuesday. And the Town of Clarkstown Summer Concert Series starts on Wednesday.
Village of Nyack

Photo credit: Dr. Arnold Roufa.
Public Hearing for Proposed Parking Changes
On Thurs, July 9, 2020, a public hearing for proposed parking changes will be held at the Nyack Village Board workshop starting at 6:30p. A notice of the public hearing may be found on Please check the website for ZOOM meeting information.
Street Paving
High Ave between Broadway and Gedney St will be repaved on Tue, July 7, 2020 and Wed, July 8, 2020. Signs will be posted on the street to alert residents. Extra parking is available in the marina lot.
Employment Opportunities
The Village of Nyack has job openings for a part-time Code Enforcement Officer, a Summer Food Program Site Supervisor, and a DPW Laborer. Details on the jobs and how to apply may be found on
Kids Eat Free Summer Food Program
The Village of Nyack Summer Food Program is providing free meals when school is out at Waldron Terrace and the Nyack Center. Breakfast and lunch are provided at no charge to all kids under age 18. No sign up, no registration, no ID required. Hours and additional information may be found on
July Bulk Trash Pickup
Reminder: the July bulk pickup will be on Fri, July 10, 2020.
Property Tax Update
Property tax bills will be mailed out during the first week of June. Governor Cuomo has granted a 21 day penalty-free period making the bills due by July 21, 2020. On July 22, 2020, a 5% penalty will be added. An additional 1% penalty will be added on the 1st of the month, every month after, until, and including October. On Nov 1, 2020, all unpaid tax bills will be sent to the county to be relevied onto the county bill in Jan, 2021.
It Takes a Village to Cover Our Villages.
Local news matters now more than ever. Nyack News & Views has covered news, arts, and culture in and near the Nyacks for a dozen years. During the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve doubled down on content, bringing readers service-oriented news you can use.
We need your help–NOW–to continue this work. Please consider making a one time or sustaining donation to Nyack News & Views. Thank You!
Village of Upper Nyack
Videoconference Panel Discussion on Leaf Blower Regulations
Upper Nyack is considering seasonal restrictions on 2-stroke leaf blowers in 2021. To understand what that could mean to residents, on Thurs, July 9, 2020 at 7p, the Village Board is hosting a panel of elected officials who have enacted seasonal leaf blower restrictions. The panel will discuss their experiences, then residents will be able to ask questions. Mayor Karen Tarapata will moderate. The videoconference will be recorded and posted on the village website. Additional information about the videoconference and ZOOM meeting details may be found on
Intermittent Street Closures for Resurfacing of North Broadway Delayed
Weather permitting, North Broadway from Nyack Beach State Park to the Upper Nyack Village line will be closed intermittently the week of July 6, 2020, weather permitting, for microsurfacing. The closures could be as long as 30 minutes, during which time vehicles will be prevented from entering North Broadway from intersecting streets and driveways. Rockland Coach buses will be diverted during the closure. When the road is open, regular routes will resume.
June 25, 2020 Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan Update
In case you missed it, a video recording and transcript is available for the June 25 Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan Update. The public hearing was kept open and will be continued until a future date to be announced. Written comments on the draft Comprehensive Plan may be submitted to The draft Comprehensive Plan and written comments of the public can be found on
Town of Orangetown
2020 Summer Recreation Program Booklet
The 2020 Orangetown Summer Recreation Program booklet is now available on
Reopening Businesses
The Town of Orangetown is currently in Phase 3 of the NY Forward reopening plan. If you are unsure if your business is allowed to reopen, please visit for more information. If you know your business is allowed to reopen and you have yet to fill out your affirmation, please visit the Town of Orangetown’s Kickstart Orangetown Page.
Phase 2 allowed outdoor dining and the Town Board has authorized a Temporary Outdoor Dining Permit. The Temporary Outdoor Dining Application and additional information may be found on A sketch plan is required to be submitted. Please send an email containing the business name and address to or through the town’s online system to inquire if an existing site plan and/or survey exists, or you may call 845-359-8410. The building department is open from 7:30a – 5:15p for summer hours, but the building is closed to the public until further notice. All communications must be via phone or email (, or directly to your assigned inspector).
Orangetown Highway Department Drop-off Center
The Orangetown Highway Department Drop-off Center is now open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A list of COVID-19 Access Regulations and Safety Guidelines may be found on
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Town of Clarkstown
Germonds Pool Reopens Tuesday, July 7
Germonds Pool will reopen on Tue, July 7, 2020 and will be operated in accordance with the guidelines provided by the New York State Department of Health, which cuts the total capacity of the pool complex by 50% and limits the size of groups within the pool complex to gatherings of no more than 10, while requiring each person maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from any non-family individuals. Therefore, no more than 900 people can be within the Germonds Pool complex at any given time.
The pool is open to residents only. Guests of residents will NOT be admitted. All residents must register for a Daily Pool Pass ($25 per swimmer), which entitles the card holder the ability to pay the daily rate. The daily rate for swimmers 12 and older is $6, or $5 for children. Beginning July 13, 2020, the pool will be open for seniors ONLY from 8 to 9:30a, and pre-registration is required. General admission hours are 10a to 7:30p, 7 days a week. Swimmers will be able to reserve and pay for daily admission 48 hours in advance, through the Community Pass website.
All pool attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs, as all communal benches will be removed from the premises and water fountains and showers will not be operational.
The opening of Germonds Pool creates an opportunity for those interested in summer employment as a lifeguard, especially at the end of the season when there is a great need for it. Interested individuals should fill out an application or call 845-639-6200 for more information.
Town of Clarkstown Summer Concert Series
The Town of Clarkstown 2020 Summer Concert Series begins this week on Wed, July 8, 2020 with the Mighty Spectrum Band. In order to ensure proper social distancing, the concert will be held at the Lake Nanuet Ballfield from 7:30 – 9p. Appropriate spacing will be maintained and it is suggested for masks to be worn. The town will have masks available upon entrance for those who need them. In case of inclement weather, all concerts will be held indoors at the Pascack Community Center at reduced capacity. Residents should bring their own chairs.
Clarkstown Community Power
The Town of Clarkstown is excited to announce a program that increases the community’s access to 100% renewable electricity while lowering the electricity costs of residents and small businesses. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a community solar program will be launched to raise money for local COVID-19 relief efforts. For each enrollment in community solar, its partner will donate $50 to Rockland Community Foundation. Community solar allows you to tap into the benefits of solar without needing to install your own panels. If you have your own solar panels, you already receive solar credits and are not eligible to enroll in community solar. To learn more about this program, please visit
2020 Comprehensive Plan Update
The Town of Clarkstown thanks all those who participated in the four Town of Clarkstown Comprehensive Plan Teleconference Workshops. If you missed the workshops, comments are still being accepted through the end of the summer on
Rockland County
Save the Date – New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) Virtual Public Workshops
As a voting member of the NYMTC, Rockland County is working with its regional partners on NYMTC’s next Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for New York City, the Lower Hudson Valley, and Long Island. On Tue, July 14, 2020 there will be two workshops for the Lower Hudson Valley: Session 1 (12-1:30p) and Session 2 (3-4:30p); and a Region-wide session (7-8:30p).
The RTP is the region’s long-range transportation planning document used to help prioritize vital transportation projects and funding for those projects in the NY Metropolitan region. Please register for one of the workshops or participate by taking the Moving Forward Survey. Additional information about the workshops may be found on And additional information on the RTP may be found on
Free Mosquito Dunks
To help Rockland County residents reduce the number of mosquitoes on their property, free mosquito dunks will be offered to keep pools and outdoor spas mosquito free. Mosquito Dunks® are small, donut-shaped objects that float on the water’s surface and release bacteria that kill mosquitoes in their larval stage in water before they become flying, biting adults. They are for use in closed or unused private swimming pools and spas and are effective for approximately 30 days. A single dunk will treat an area of about 100 square feet.
Mosquito Dunks® will be available, free of charge, for curbside pickup at the Robert L. Yeager Health Complex, 50 Sanatorium Rd, Pomona. The giveaway will begin at 10a on Fri, June 12, 2020, and will continue every Tuesday from 2-3p and every Friday from 10-11a until Oct 30, 2020, or while supplies last. Visit for additional information about the program.
Save the Date: Police & Patrol Officer Civil Service Examination on Sept 26, 2020
Rockland is now accepting applications from candidates interested in a career in law enforcement. A written competitive examination for the Civil Service positions of police officer and patrol officer is scheduled to be held on Sat, Sept 26, 2020, but may be subject to change based on the current health crisis. There are also examinations for Spanish, French/Creole, and Yiddish speaking officers. If interested, applications to take the examination must be received by Wed, July 15, 2020. An online application may be found at You may also apply by mail at Rockland County Department of Personnel, 50 Sanatorium Rd, Building A, 7th Floor, Pomona, NY 10970. The application fee is $30. For questions, contact the Rockland County Department of Personnel at (845) 364-3737 or at