This week in the villages: It’s that time again: time for water main flushing. The Village of Nyack Water Department will be flushing water mains throughout the system this week and next. Rockland County and the Town of Orangetown reopen parks, but the Town of Clarkstown parks remain closed. Social distancing rules must be followed while enjoying the outdoors. Face masks will be distributed in the Village of South Nyack and the Town of Orangetown, if you don’t already have one. And if you have recovered from COVID-19, please consider donating plasma to help sick patients.
Rockland County
Plasma Donors Wanted
If you have recovered from COVID-19, your plasma could help sick COVID-19 patients. Rockland residents can donate plasma at New York Blood Center location at 25 Smith St, Nanuet by appointment. You may apply to be a plasma donor at
Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall on Food Shopping Safety
Senator David Carlucci will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall on food shopping safety with DeCicco & Sons co-owner, Chris DeCicco via Facebook Live on Mon, May 4 at 4p. Email any questions you may have to
County Parks are Now Open
County parks are now open for walking, running, and cycling, with the exception of H. Pierson Mapes Flat Rock Park in Hillburn, which will remain closed for the foreseeable future. Amenities and facilities, such as restrooms, playgrounds, pavilions, picnic tables, all lawn areas, park benches, fishing piers, and dog runs, will be restricted for public use and will remain closed. Parking will only be permitted in designated parking lots, and reductions in the number of parking spaces will be instituted in some parks. Side street parking will also be restricted. It is recommended that those who visit the parks wear a mask or face covering.
Mass Transportation Changes
Beginning Thurs, Apr 30, 2020, the Palisades Center Lot J Commuter Parking Facility will have temporary designated parking and a new traffic pattern to prepare for repaving. Starting Fri, May 1, 2020, commuters are asked to please park on the south side of the lot while the north side is repaved. Once the north side is complete, parking will shift so the south side can be paved (estimated to be about Tue, May 5). Note that the bus stop will be temporarily relocated during this time, but the shelter will remain open and the ticket vending machine will remain accessible. There will be no overnight parking allowed for the duration of the repaving project.
To keep up to date on transportation schedule changes, visit the Rockland County Public Transportation Transit Alerts page.
It Takes a Village to cover our villages.
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We need your help–NOW–to continue this work. Please consider making a one time or sustaining donation to Nyack News And Views. Thank You!
Village of Nyack
Water Main Flushing
The Village of Nyack Water Department will flush water mains throughout the entire water distribution system as follows:
- West Nyack and Central Nyack – Mon, May 4 to Wed, May 6, 2020
- Nyack College Area of South Nyack – Thurs, May 7, 2020
- Nyack and Remainder of South Nyack – Mon, May 11 to Thurs, May 14, 2020
Flushing will take place between the hours of 9p and 6a. As a result of the flushing, your water may be temporarily discolored and you might experience a temporary reduction in water pressure.
A Show of Support for Montefiore Nyack Hospital
In order to provide a tiny bit of joy to the staff of Montefiore Nyack Hospital, the hospital is looking for musicians from the community who would be willing to do a short, solitary set of music during the hospital shift change around 7:15a and 7:15p each day. The musician would stand on the corner of Haven Court, near the hospital (but a very safe distance away), and play or sing a set of their choice.
Interested musicians and vocalists may sign up here. The sessions will also be shared with the hospital on a Facebook page that recognizes the bravery of our first responders and hospital employees. If you have any questions, please contact Melody Partrick, Recreation Director, Village of Nyack.
COVID-19 Changes
Nyack Village Hall remains closed to both employees and the public until further notice, and the Department of Public Works will be picking up the trash as scheduled – Mondays & Thursdays. Contact information for Village Hall staff may be found at
Changes to Bulk Pickup
Staying home has given many people the opportunity to get a jump on spring cleaning. As a result, the garbage crews have been picking up a lot of excess trash and bulk items the past few weeks. At this time, the DPW is working on a modified staffing schedule. All residents are asked to please limit any bulk to one or two items. If possible, please hold the bulk until the next collection–always the first Friday of the month–and hopefully everyone will be accommodated in a month or so. The primary goal is the safety of the crews, while balancing the needs of the residents.
The Village of South Nyack
Free Masks for Senior Citizens
The Village of South Nyack has obtained face masks from New York State. Seniors who are South Nyack and Grand View residents may pick up a face mask at South Nyack Village Hall, 282 S Broadway from 9a-4p M-F. The masks are individually wrapped and reusable. If you are unable to come in person, please call Village Hall at 845-358-0287 and arrangements will be made for a mask to be delivered to you by a member of the police department. Visit for more information.
Town of Orangetown
Cloth Masks
Supervisor Kenny was able to secure more cloth masks from the State of New York. They are due to arrive this week. As long as the weather is dry, there will be another “Drive By” at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Thurs, May 7 from 2 to 5p. Orangetown Police Department will be managing traffic and you must provide proof of residency. This distribution will be on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, you may email Supervisor Kenny.
Town of Orangetown Parks
All Orangetown Parks including the Blue Hill & Broadacres Golf Courses are now open with two exceptions. The Orangetown Soccer & Baseball Complexes will remain closed until further notice. Golfers will only be allowed to walk the course, golf carts will not be available as per New York State guidelines. All playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, and the rink at Veteran’s Park are still closed. If social distancing rules are not being followed or if overcrowding occurs, sites are subject to closure.
Virtual 5K
The Town of Orangetown and Supervisor Teresa Kenny have come up with a fun and interesting fundraiser in these tough and trying times, a Virtual 5K Race to be completed between May 1 and May 17, 2020. What’s unique about this event is that participants can run (or walk) the 5K on any route and time of their choice within the specified time frame. Run/walk with friends if you wish–just observe stipulated social distancing rules.
For those who don’t want to participate in the event, there is still an opportunity to be a part of this event. For a $100 donation, you’ll get your name (personal or business) printed on the back of the t-shirt, which will be supplied to all participants. And most importantly, all net proceeds will go towards keeping local food pantries fully stocked for the many families who need some help at this time.
Town of Clarkstown
The Town of Clarkstown State of Emergency remains in effect and all town departments are open to the public for telephone inquiries, electronic communications, and electronic filings. In-person appointments with the public will be made on an emergency basis only.
To reduce exposure risks to Clarkstown’s emergency service professionals, town officials are asking the public to only call the police for emergencies. If you are quarantined (mandatory or self-imposed) in your home due to possible or confirmed COVID-19 exposure, PLEASE advise the 911 dispatcher so it may be relayed to responding units. Officers will be initiating the interview process from outside your home and practicing social distancing when possible.
Tele Town Hall Mon, May 4, 2020, 3p
Join Supervisor George Hoehmann for an update on a group telephone call to ask any questions or bring up any concerns you may have. Call 845-203-6304 to join or watch on FB live.
Congers Lake Walkway and All Town of Clarkstown Parks Remain Closed
The Congers Lake walkway and boardwalks, the dog park, and all town parks remain closed until further notice.
Community Centers
The Clarkstown Recreation Department has been filming activities for residents to enjoy while home and social distancing. They will be broadcast every day on the Town of Clarkstown Government Access Channels (Cablevision/Altice Channel 78 and Verizon Channel 35). A schedule for the week may be found on There will be other recreation activities broadcast on FB Live (on the Town of Clarkstown Recreation & Parks) led by recreation staff and volunteers at 11a each day. Videos will also be on the town YouTube Channel.
Clarkstown Mulch Site Open
Residents of the Town of Clarkstown may pick up compost and wood mulch during regular park hours for use at their residence at Germonds Park, 185 Germonds Rd, West Nyack.