by Rosemary Farrell, Nyack Library
Well here we are, all together. Separated by space but connected by community.
Although the Nyack Library will be closed to the public at least through the end of March, it’s still very much open, online.
I know many people miss spending time in our beautiful building, saying hello to the folks at the Circulation Desk, attending Story Hour in the Children’s Room, enjoying the peace and views of the river in the fourth floor Reference area. I know I do. Our physical building may be closed, but the virtual Nyack Library thrums along, with an almost endless capacity to entertain, illuminate, and engage. Here are just a handful of ideas:
First thing’s first. Access our stellar collection of eBooks and eAudio books via Libby or Hoopla. Use your laptop, desktop, phone, Kindle, or iPad, iOS or Android platform. As a relatively new convert to the paperless reading experience, I can vouch for the ease of using the Libby app and appreciate Hoopla’s lack of a waiting list for any of their titles. Now you can hold dozens of books in the palm of your hand! One less thing to worry about.
We haven’t forgotten magazines–Libby offers a great selection. Keep up with fashion, food, fitness, news, and politics. All with no inserts to recycle!
Time to turn off the news and explore the movies available on Kanopy and Hoopla. Where to start? Kanopy specializes in independent cinema, offering an amazing collection of documentaries, foreign films, edgy features, and instructional content. You’ll be amazed by the breadth and depth of its selection–just click on the “browse” option at the top to be blown away. Hoopla offers more popular entertainment with a fantastic array of categories as well as a robust listing of television shows from Pee Wee’s Playhouse to Ken Burns’ documentaries.
An upended schedule can result in more time to pursue life goals, such as learning a new language, teaching yourself advanced Excel techniques, delving into calligraphy, Tarot Cards 101, or homeschooling techniques. That’s where Universal Class comes in–over 500 courses on offer, some offering certification upon completion. All you need is a Nyack Library card to get started.
Brush up on your high school Spanish or French or take a deep dive into Farsi, Irish, or Dutch with the amazing Rosetta Stone online learning center. Create an account and choose from 30 languages–you don’t have to limit yourself to one at a time! Use the app on your phone or your laptop to access Rosetta Stone’s video and audio lessons 24/7. From the basics to fluency, we’ve got you covered.
Have an itch to investigate your family’s history? Access Heritage Quest from home–all you need is the barcode on the back of your library card. Search census records, wills, probates, and books to create a complete family tree.
And while we’re on the topic, take the time to fill out the online 2020 Census form. Go to and follow the simple prompts. You don’t need the official Census mailing to do your part–just your home’s street address on April 1, 2020. The Census, mandated by the Constitution, determines the allocation of federal and state funding and congressional representation, and provides our descendants with accurate records for ancestral research. It’ll take only a few minutes to do your part!
Has the global pandemic got you re-thinking your life’s current trajectory and goals? Or perhaps it has forced you to reassess. JobNow is a one stop resource–including resume creation, career advice, interview tips, and live one-on-one coaching. Get the support you need to help minimize stress and maximize success.
This is just a sampling of all the Nyack Library has to offer during these uncertain times. Please visit our homepage for accurate news about the Coronavirus, updates on building accessibility, and to access our ever evolving Librarian’s Guide to Staying Home…and Sane!, a curated collection of online entertainment, and knowledge for all ages.
A library is an unparalleled and vital part of any community. We are here for you. Please call 845-358-3370 ext. 214 or email with any suggestions, questions, concerns you may have. We check both email and voice messages Monday through Friday from 10a – 6p.
We look forward to seeing everyone face to face at 59 South Broadway someday soon. Be well.
Rosemary Farrell is the Senior Librarian for Programs & Community Engagement at the Nyack Library.