There’s early voting this weekend from 9a-2p for Election Day on Tuesday, Nov 5. Visit the Rockland County Board of Elections to learn where and when to vote.
I am a candidate for Village of Nyack Trustee in the upcoming election under the Nyack Unity Party, which will give a non-partisan voice to all Nyackers, regardless of party affiliation. You probably have seen me walking the village streets and speaking to many of you in my “VOTE FOR JOE” shirt. As an elected Trustee, I will bring that same energy and enthusiasm to the Village Board, with my goal being to make an ACTIVE and POSITIVE contribution to the village, and put RESIDENTS’ INTERESTS FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Here are just a few of the issues that I plan on tackling on Day One –
- I’ll advocate for a Building Moratorium. After the explosion of developments that have been started or have gone through the approval process, let’s hit pause to consider the effects on our village with a view towards revising our Zoning Codes and beefing up our Village Code Enforcement team. Just to be crystal clear–I am not Anti-Development (as some of my opponents might have you believe). However, the recent surge of housing projects (both approved and under consideration), due to the relaxation of our zoning codes and the sustainability bonuses (which allows increased housing density above and beyond that which is allowed by our zoning code) threatens our village infrastructure (sewage, water, traffic, parking, etc.). I plan to push for a comprehensive review of our zoning codes that has encouraged this unbridled surge in new developments. I will advocate for the village residents, and not the developers!
- I’ll fight for Affordable Housing and Tenant Protections. Previous Village Boards have reduced the requirement that Developers provide 20% Affordable Housing to only 10%–and they have given developers the option to pay $50,000 per Affordable Housing unit into a Buyout Fund (which till this date is unclear how it will be managed). This is wrong on many levels – first of all, the 20% requirement should never have been reduced to 10%. And second of all, the Buyout option of $50,000 is a no-brainer for developers–it makes more economic sense, to the developer, to pay into the Buyout Fund than to have to provide physical apartments. This needs to stop.
- I’ll spotlight Quality of Life and Environmental issues. Nyack has too few public green spaces. I oppose the Nyack Hospital’s plan to lease and blacktop the MacCalman Playing Field for a parking lot. There are alternatives that should be seriously considered. In fact, I will try to purchase MacCalman Field for the enjoyment of the village residents (especially the North Midland neighborhood). I would also establish a Pocket Park at the southern corner of Depew and 9W for the enjoyment of village residents living in the area.
- I’ll demand a truly transparent and responsive village government. Have you ever called Village Hall, left a message, and never been called back or–even worse–tried to leave a message at Village Hall but couldn’t because the answering machine was full? This is not acceptable–village employees need to respond to residents in a timely manner. Have you ever tried to attend a Village Board meeting and couldn’t, and then tried to find out what happened at a Village Board meeting and found nothing? We need to live stream all board meetings so that you don’t have to be physically present to observe, both in real-time and recordings, what transpires at meetings. The audio recordings currently being done is not enough.
These are just a few of the issues that I intend to address as Trustee. Visit my website, listed below, for an overview of other issues (with action plans) that I will focus on.
Over the years, my activism has gained the trust, respect, and confidence of many of you in the village. Here are comments from a few of them –
“I am pleased to endorse Joe for Trustee. He is totally involved with the community, energetic, passionate, knowledgeable, and concerned about the future of our Village. Please join me in voting for Joe.” — Donna Lightfoot-Cooper, Village Trustee
“We urge you to vote for Joe Carlin for Nyack Trustee! He’s on the front lines – and has been a first-rate advocate for the Depew Ave neighborhood, and indeed all of Nyack’ – Nyack Neighbors Together – Depew Ave Group
“We need a diversity of opinion and voices on the board, which is lacking now. Joe’s vigilance on unbridled development is an important contribution to our civic life.” – Emily Feiner – Nyack Resident
“Joe’s long history of grassroots activism and community organizing in Nyack makes him a superb candidate for this office. His unflagging support of CUPON’s core mission assures us that, if elected, he will be ceaselessly vigilant regarding development, tenant protections, building code violations, and the other land-use issues that concern us all” – CUPON of the Nyacks
“The Nyack Renters Union and tenants throughout Nyack endorse Joe Carlin for Village Trustee. He has been one of the most vocal advocates for tenants’ rights and supports initiatives that make Nyack a fair and beautiful place for everyone to live. Go Joe!” –George Pavel, Nyack Renters Union
I am asking for your support. Please vote for me on Tuesday, Nov 5th. Together we can make a difference in the village that we all love!
Website –
FB – Joe Carlin for Nyack Trustee