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The Villages: Exit 10 Off-Ramp Closure Sat (10/5) – UPDATE

This week in the villages: Guide rail repairs at Exit 10 will require the temporary daytime closure of its off-ramp from the NYS Thruway I-87/ (I-287) on Sat, October 5, from 8a to 2p, weather permitting. The HudsonLink commuter bus service has rolled out another schedule revision. The South Broadway entrance to I-287 East is moving west. Also, South Nyack has a new tennis court. And it’s not too early to sign up to participate in Nyack’s Halloween festivities.

HudsonLink’s New Schedule

HudsonLink has adjusted service on the H01/H01X, H03, H05, and H07/H07X baesd on rider feedback. The new schedule provides more buses to meet Metro North trains with additional routes added later in the evening. There will be select H01/H01X Suffern service to Tarrytown and select H07/H07X Spring Valley service to Tarrytown. The revised timetables may be found at or at (or if you prefer it’s legacy name,

If you have questions or suggestions for the revised app from Nyack News And Views, please email

Complete Streets Workshop Completed

Complete Streets Nyack Workshop 2019-09-26 RCC Culinary CenterLast week, over 30 public officials, planners, bike/walk advocates and residents attended a workshop hosted by the three Nyack river villages to learn how to make the communities’ roads, crosswalks and sidewalks safer and more inviting to use. Complete Streets is a national transportation initiative which encourages planners and elected leaders to consider the needs of all users (adults, children, seniors and special needs individuals) and all transportation modalities (driving, walking, bicycling, and mass transit) when contemplating changes to roads. The seminar was funded by NYSERDA, and it included representatives from Nyack, South Nyack, Haverstraw, Orangetown and Rockland County.

Complete Streets Nyack Workshop 2019-09-26 Main St

Village of Nyack

Halloween Week Festivities

In a few weeks, the Village of Nyack will become Halloween City with the 32nd Annual Nyack Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade set to kick off on Sat, October 26 at 5:30p. Join in the festivities and register now for the Best Decorated House & Lawn contest, the Best Costume contest, and the Best Float contest.

Village of South Nyack

New Tennis Court

Tennis anyone? The new tennis court located in the South Nyack Franklin Street Park is now open to the public. This project was funded through The New NY Bridge Project’s Waterfront Revitalization Program.

Rockland County

Free Rabies Clinic

The Rockland County Department of Health and the Rockland Westchester Veterinary Medical Association is sponsoring a free rabies clinic on Sun, October 5, from 10a to 1p at Rockland County Fire Training Center (65 Firemen’s Memorial Dr, Pomona). No appointment is needed. The shots are free, though a $5 donation is suggested. To be vaccinated, your dog, cat, or ferret must be healthy; your pet must be older than 3 months; dogs must be on a leash and cats and ferrets must be on a leash or in a top opening container. For more information, call 845-364-2656 or visit

New York Prepares for Climate Change Talk – Save the Date

On Mon, October 7 at 7p in the Lower Level Community Room of the Sufffern Free Library, Mark Lowery, Assistant Director of the NY State DEC Office of Climate Change will review recent climate reports, introduce us to New York’s new climate legislation known as the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, and talk about how New York is helping communities rise to meet the challenge of the current climate crisis. He will also take questions about NY State climate programs and your concerns about climate, community resiliency, adaptation, and sustainability. Mr. Lowery developed the Climate Smart Communities program.

The room opens at 6p so you can view the Climate March photo exhibit, which will be on view from October 1-31, and includes photos and participant statements from Climate Marches and Climate Strikes in multiple locations from 2014 to 2019. Please register for the program by emailing so that the room may be set up appropriately.

Mario Cuomo Bridge News

Interchange 10 Off-Ramp Closure on Sat, October 5

Guide rail repairs at Interchange 10 (Nyack – South Nyack – US Route 9W) will require the temporary daytime closure of its off-ramp from the New York State Thruway (I-87/I-287) on Sat, October 5, from 8a to 2p, weather permitting. Northbound drivers will be detoured to Interchange 11 (Nyack – South Nyack – US Route 9W), shown below. Drivers will still be able to access the Thruway in both directions from Interchange 10 during the operation. A map of the detour may be found at

South Broadway Thruway Entrance To Close

At the Rockland Landing, the Thruway Authority is preparing to open the newly reconfigured Interchange 10 during the week of October 7. When complete, vehicles will be able to access the northbound and southbound Thruway from a new signalized intersection at Route 9W and Hillside Avenue. At that time, the current southbound on-ramp from South Broadway will be permanently closed. You can download a printable version of the Interchange 10 directional maps on

With this new traffic pattern, riders of the Hudson Link bus service will use two new stops on South Franklin Street Extension. They will replace the current stops at Clinton Avenue and South Broadway. Also, two new traffic signals are expected to be activated early this week. They are located at the intersection of Clinton Avenue and South Franklin Street and at South Franklin Street Extension and Hillside Avenue.

Overnight Lane Closures

Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC (TZC) is scheduled to continue realigning lane control signage on the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. The work requires overnight closures of northbound New York State Thruway (I-87/I-287) traffic lanes. Specific lane closure times are listed in the chart below.

Lane Closures Near the Bridge

Mon 9/30 9p – Two left lanes
11p – Three left lanes
6a, Tue 10/1 Northbound
near exit 9
Tue 10/1 9p – Two left lanes
11p – Three left lanes
6a, Wed 10/2 Northbound
from exit 9 to the bridge
Wed 10/2 9p – Two right lanes 7a, Thurs 10/3 Northbound
from exit 9 to the bridge
Thurs 10/3 9p – Two right lanes 7a, Fri 10/4 Northbound
from exit 9 to the bridge
Fri 10/4 10p – Two right lanes 8a, Sat 10/5 Northbound
from the bridge to exit 10


Here are the municipal events in South Nyack and the Village of Nyack for the week of 9/30. There are no meetings scheduled in Upper Nyack this week.

Village of Nyack

  • Tue 10/1

9a: Mayor’s Monthly Update
5p: Justice Court

  • Wed 10/2, 7p: Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Thurs 10/3, 9:30a: Justice Court

Nyack Village Hall is located at 9 N. Broadway.

Village of South Nyack

Tue 10/1, 7:30p: Zoning Board of Appeals

South Nyack Village Hall is located at 282 S Broadway.

Nyack Farmer's Market

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