Resolution Run 2019 / Photo by Ken Sharp
by Ken Sharp
The Resolution Run 2019 poster read, “This event will take place rain, snow, or shine.”
We got rain. Lots of it.
But that didn’t stop over 100 runners and walkers of all ages from coming together to fight hunger in the third annual edition of this Nyack Hunger Coalition event. Rain ponchos and umbrellas replaced more traditional running gear as people took to the street, navigating around puddles and dodging runoff streams on the four mile route through Nyack and Upper Nyack.

At the end of the run, people were drenched, but smiling. As soaked and chilled as we were, it was heartwarming to see the Nyack community unite to fight hunger. And in this fight, the Run had some amazing people in our corner:

- Our sponsors – Active International, Maria Luisa, Rockland County Pride Center, Better Homes & Gardens Rand Realty, Living Christ Church, and CREATEif Careers
- The Interfaith Clergy Association of Nyack, which donated over $2,000 in collections from its Interfaith Thanksgiving Service to the Nyack Hunger Coalition.
- Our incredible runners and walkers, who brought in over $6,000 in fundraising efforts and registrations
All told, the 2019 Resolution Run has brought in over $10,000 so far to support NHC member organizations.
That’s great news, as currently more than 30,000 people in Rockland don’t know where their next meal will come from, and about 20,000 turn to local food pantries for help. This year’s run is over, but donations are still welcome at NyackHunger.com.
Resolution Run funds will be distributed to these fine member organizations: People to People, The Nyack Center, Meals On Wheels, The Nyack Homeless Project, Soup Angels, Sunday Supper, Head Start, St. Ann’s Church, Living Christ Church, Grace’s Kitchen
Ken Sharp serves on the Executive Committee of The Nyack Hunger Coalition.