August 2012 Mostly Music concert in Memorial Park. Photo Credit: Dave Zornow
by Elijah Reichlin-Melnick
July is already well underway, and I want to provide some updates you on recent developments in Nyack.
First of all, we’ve recently made big progress in improving Nyack’s infrastructure, both physical and digital. On the physical side, you have probably noticed that N. Midland Avenue between High Avenue and the border of Upper Nyack, 6th Avenue from N. Midland to 9W, and all of Piermont Avenue have finally been repaved. The new road surfaces are a pleasure to drive on. Thank you to Jim Politi and the DPW for assisting the contractor in making sure the milling and paving process were carried out smoothly. Please be advised that starting on Thursday at 6:00a the village will begin repainting crosswalks and parking stalls on Midland Avenue. This process will require temporary road closures while the paint dries, so plan accordingly. Similar work will be done on Piermont Avenue starting on Monday.
New Website
On the digital side, the village finally has a redesigned website! Check it out! Many thanks to Jane Cowles and Dave Zornow (NNaV’s publisher) for working on this new design, which I think makes it easier to navigate to important information. Over the coming months, additional work will continue to be done on the website, adding more content and making it easier for residents and visitors to find the information they need. If you have any feedback on the website, or see information that is incorrect or out of date, please be sure to let me know so that I can pass that along.
Memorial Park
The other big news in Nyack infrastructure is that the splash pad at Memorial Park is finally open! Bring your kids and turn them loose to have a good time there! A couple weeks ago, I sat at a picnic table in the upper part of the park on a Tuesday evening, gazing out at the Hudson and listening to a wonderful Music on the Hudson concert accompanied by the sounds of happy children playing in the splash pad. It was wonderful. We are so lucky to have this park, with its natural beauty, and the many recreational amenities (playground, basketball court, skate park, little league field, and now splash pad) in our village. Thank you to all of the volunteers with the Nyack Parks Conservancy and the Nyack Parks Committee who help beautify and improve Memorial Park!
Speaking of Memorial Park, the Village Board will hold a public hearing at 8p during our regular board meeting on July 12 to consider changes to our village code related to the operation of for-profit businesses in the park. With all the improvements in the park, it is becoming an ever more desirable destination, which means we have to be sure that larger, for-profit programs like day camps don’t take up too much space from everyone else trying to use the park.
Also on July 12 during our workshop meeting (starting at 6:30p), there will be a discussion of alternate side overnight parking, based on an analysis of overnight parking rules I’ve conducted. I’m suggesting that the village consider eliminating alternate side overnight parking restrictions on many residential streets to make it easier for residents who want to be able to park their cars overnight without worrying about getting a ticket. Instead, parking could be restricted on alternate days during the week (not on weekends) from 9-11a, when many residents have already left for work. This change would, I think, make things easier for most people, and could also make it easier for the village to conduct street sweeping of residential streets. This is purely a proposal for now and no action will be taken until we get feedback and input from residents. What do you think about alternate side overnight parking? Do you like the current system, or would you support changes along the lines I’m proposing? Some other changes? Let me know.
Upcoming events:
- Hopper House Jazz in the Garden starts on July 12. Additional dates at the link.
- Also on July 12, the Nyack Chamber of Commerce’s 6th Annual Classic Car Night in downtown Nyack starts at 5p. Please note that Main Street will be closed to traffic from 2p on in order to accommodate this event.
- ALSO on July 12, Cat Spay/Neuter Day in Nyack. Call 845-358-0548 for an appointment. $20 per cat. This offer is open to all Village of Nyack resident cat owners. Advance appointments required.
- It’s not in Nyack, but if you’re looking for something to do this Saturday, July 14, you can’t go wrong heading down the road to Piermont for Bastille Day, the village’s annual celebration of French heritage and a great excuse for a street fair with food, music, and costumed re-enactors.
- Free Music on the Hudson concerts will be held in Memorial Park starting at 7p on Tuesday, July 17, July 24, and July 31.
Please also be sure to check out the July monthly update from Mayor Hammond and all of us on the Village Board, and sign up for these updates, and others from the village, if you aren’t receiving them already.
Want to get more details on these or any other Nyack topics? I’m holding my monthly “Meet Your Trustee” event on Monday, July 23 from 7p to 8p at Didier Dumas on Main Street. Stop by for a casual conversation, and one of their fantastic deserts.
Elijah Reichlin-Melnick is a Trustee for the Village of Nyack.
See also:
- Reichlin-Melnick: June Village Trustee Update, June 9, 2018
- Reichlin-Melnick: May Village Trustee Update, May 12, 2018