by Elijah Reichlin-Melnick
There are some big and exciting changes happening in Nyack this month, and there are a lot of upcoming events.
There’s never a dull moment in Nyack. Last week I joined Trustee Louise Parker at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Lawrence Kiesel, a young man from Nyack who completed his Eagle Scout project by painting the metal grates of the stormwater drainage catchbasins in downtown Nyack. This project is going to help the village comply with the state’s new MS4 (don’t ask) requirements. Thank you Lawrence, and congratulations!
On Saturday June 2 I had the privilege of marching in the annual African-American Day parade with other elected officials. Thank you to Trustee Louise Parker and everyone else on the parade committee who organized this wonderful community event! I loved seeing so many groups marching (even though I wish more people had showed up to watch the parade) and I especially loved the two marching bands from Nyack HS and East Ramapo. These kids were having so much fun, it was infectious! Kudos to the East Ramapo band for persevering in the face of the severe budget cuts that have been inflicted on them by the school board there.
I also stopped by the opening of a new exhibit at the Historical Society of the Nyacks, “The Many Hats of Frances Pratt,” which honors the life, career, and one-of-a-kind fashion sense of the iconic Frances Pratt. The exhibit is open from 1-4p on Saturdays in June and July. And if you’ve ever admired one of Frances’ magnificent hats at an event in Nyack, you should stop by the exhibit before it closes.
Now for some big Nyack news:
Starting June 7, recycling will be picked up every week on Thursdays. Please see the village website for details here. People have been asking for this change for years and it’s exciting that the village has finally been able to make it happen.
No one enjoys paying taxes, but in an effort to make payment a bit easier, you can now pay your taxes online if you choose. Thanks to Village Clerk/Treasurer Jennifer Hetling for working to bring tax collection into the 21st century.
If you’ve been down to Memorial Park recently, you may have noticed the construction on the brand new splash pad next to the playground. This water feature will be a great addition to the park for kids to cool off this summer. We’re expecting an opening date in the next few weeks. The splash pad was paid for by a $200,000 grant from New York State secured by the Nyack Parks Conservancy last year. If you’re curious, take a look at this Journal News article from last year about the grant.
June is absolutely full of events that highlight the artistic, musical, and civic side of Nyack.
- June 10 – Fireman’s Memorial Parade – Steps off at 8:30a and proceeds through downtown Nyack. Come support the volunteers who put their lives on the line to keep the community safe.
- June 10 – Rockland Pride Sunday – I’m including this one because it’s such a Nyack tradition even though this year, for the first time the annual Pride Sunday will not be in Nyack. Instead, it will be at the Garner Historic District in north Rockland. Very much worth the 15 minute drive from Nyack.
- June 10 – Men Cooking for Nyack Center – This is the most delicious event of the year in Nyack. And this year, I’m making my debut as a chef. I’m excited (and more than a little daunted) to be joining in the cooking for the first time. Come on out and try some of my roasted cauliflower salad and all the other yummy food options, and show your support for the Nyack Center. 5-7p.
- June 12 – Greater Nyack Bike/Walk Master Plan Public Meeting – The members of the Greater Nyack (including South, Central, and Upper Nyack, and Valley Cottage) Bike/Walk Master Plan committee will present its findings and recommendations on Tuesday, June 12 at 7p in the Nyack High School auditorium. This is a good opportunity to learn about these recommendations and offer feedback.
- June 15-17 – Nyack Art Walk – Kicking off on Friday evening and continuing through the weekend, this annual event is a great opportunity to see the work of dozens of talented local artists displayed in shops throughout the village. Don’t miss it!
- June 19 – Music on the Hudson presents The Bobby Deitch Band – The first free Music on the Hudson Concert of the season presented by the Nyack Parks Conservancy features “uplifting original soul music.” Starts at 7p.
- June 26 – Music on the Hudson presents The Steev Richter Trio and Shlomo Franklin at 7p.
- June 30 – Independence Day Fireworks – With the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday this year, the Village’s annual Independence Day Fireworks display is scheduled for a few days earlier on Saturday evening, June 30. While Nyack has traditionally had fireworks on the 4th, many other communities in the area commonly schedule fireworks for weekends when the 4th falls on a weekday and given that many people may have to work on July 5th, having fireworks on the weekend seemed like a better solution. It is also important to note that by having the fireworks on the 30th rather than the 4th, the company that puts on the show will charge the village several thousand dollars less for the same show. Rain date is Sunday, July 1.
Our Village Board meetings this month are on June 14 and June 28.
Want to get more details on these or any other Nyack topics? I’m holding my monthly “Meet Your Trustee” event on Monday, June 18 from 7-8p at Didier Dumas on Main Street. Stop by for a casual conversation, and one of their fantastic deserts.
Elijah Reichlin-Melnick is a Trustee for the Village of Nyack.
See also: Reichlin-Melnick: May Village Trustee Update, May 12, 2018