It’s the time of year that every political wonk lives for: budget season. Last week, the New York Senate passed the 2017-18 state budget and on Thursday the annual budgets for Nyack and Upper Nyack will be on the agenda.
South Nyack’s focus this week is on waste collection–both electronic and yard waste.
Nyack VB Meets To Review Budget, Fill Trustee Vacancy
On Tuesday 4/11, the Nyack Village Board held a workshop session to review the budget for 2017-18.
The goal is to have a second year of a 0% tax increase and fund an extra week for Camp Nyack. Budgets demonstrate values and the board’s work shows a concern for fiscal responsibility, village infrastructure, and our children.
Don Hammond
If you have thoughts or questions based on either what you read here or things you’ve heard buzz about in the community, please feel free to reach out to me directly by email at or by phone at 914.954.7556. — Dr. Don Hammond
The public hearing on the budget will continue on Thurs 4/20. The board expects to adopt the budget after the hearing is complete.
The village board meeting on Thursday included the official swearing-in of Steve Knowlton and Elijah Reichlin-Melnick. Steve returns to his role as chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals. He has served in this role in the past and his energy and expertise will be a great asset to the village.
Elijah is a new appointee of Mayor Jen Laird White. And this was his first village board meeting. Elijah brings a new perspective to the board having served the Town of Orangetown with Supervisor Andy Stewart.
The Waterfront Committee gave an interim report for the 2017 operation of the Nyack Marina. The recommendations include better marina signage, boat storage racks for kayaks and canoes, third party operators for human powered boats and boat charters and staff to collect fees at the boat launch dock. The marina will be managed by the village in order to research and refine the operations for the future.
— Don Hammond
South Nyack:
- Electronic Waste Collection will be held on Saturday, April 23 from 9a-12p at the South Nyack DPW Garage, 65 Brookside Ave. “If it plugs into a wall, we’ll take it!”
- Loose leaves may be placed in the gutter in a wind-row for pick up by the DPW vacuum from Mon April 17 through Fri April 28. They must be free of sticks, rocks and trash. Leaves, grass clippings and other yard debris should be put in bio-degradable bags and placed on the grass between the sidewalk and the curb. Bags must be free of sticks, rocks and garbage. Bio-Bags are available at South Nyack Village Hall for residents.
Upper Nyack
A Public Hearing on the 2017-18 Tentative Budget for the Village of Upper Nyack will be held on April 20, 2017 at 7:30p.
Here’s next week’s municipal events in Upper, South and the Village of Nyack.
Village of Nyack
- Tue 4/18, 5p: Justice Court
- Wed 4/19
7p: Nyack Art Collective
7p: Architectural Review Board
- Thurs 4/20, 9:30a: Justice Court
- Sat 4/22, 12p: Earth Day Nyack
Nyack Village Hall is located at 9 N. Broadway.
Village of South Nyack
Wed 4/19, 7:30p: Planning Board
South Nyack Village Hall is located at 282 S Broadway.
Village of Upper Nyack
- Tue 4/18, 8p: Zoning Board of Appeals
- Wed 4/19, 7:30p: Planning Board
- Thurs 4/20, 7p: Village Board Meeting
Upper Nyack Village Hall is located at 328 N. Broadway.