First of Two Public Meetings This Week
About The Future of Getting Around and Commuting From Nyack
Nyack, Oct 17 — South Broadway, a neighborhood that’s been feeling neglected since Main Street got a makeover in 2012, will get a chance to shine sometime in the next two years, courtesy of a $1.5 million federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant. On Monday night at 7p, the public is invited to see a proposed plan to spruce up South Broadway with new sidewalks, improved crosswalks, ADA Ramps, landscaping, street and pedestrian lighting, receptacles as well as a bike lane on South Franklin Street.
Since Nyack’s Main Street got a free paint job courtesy of Benjamin Moore’s Main Street Matters campaign in 2013 — which followed a major streetscape renovation in 2011 and 2012 — downtown businesses on Broadway have been wondering if they would be getting some infrastructure love. Tonight, they’ll have a chance to weigh in on the proposed changes.
Although Nyack has a reputation as a “walkable village,” an initial survey by lead consultant McLaren Engineering Group showed that village streets and sidewalks are a competitive place. Pedestrians, strollers, and dog walkers dodge trash cans, light poles fire hydrants and mail boxes on narrow sidewalks. Cars, skate board enthusiasts and cyclists compete for safe space on the streets. And poorly placed and insufficiently marked crosswalks don’t do enough to protect students, seniors and people with special needs.
TAP Focus: South, Broadway, South Franklin and North Broadway
The TAP grant program, administered by the NYS Department of Transportation, provides federal funding to get get out of their cars and alternate modes of transportation to get around. Mass transit, walking and cycling are three of the suggested modalities that TAP seeks to promote sustainability and a cleaner, greener environment.
A steering committee of residents and business owners has been working with a McLaren Engineering Group and additional consultants to develop a preliminary plan which will be presented to the public at 7p on Mon Oct 17 at the The Nyack Center, 58 Depew Ave.
Wed Night at the Nyack Library:
Goodbye, TZx. Say hello to the LHTL.
Do you ride the Tappan Zee Express (TZx) to catch a Metro North train in Tarrytown or White Plains? On Wed 10/19 at 6p in the Nyack Library, learn about the WiFi enabled, traffic-signal coordinated future replacement to the TZx, coming to a bus stop near you in 2018.
The Lower Hudson Transit Link (LHTL) will open when the new Tappan Zee Bridge debuts, running along the I-287 corridor between Suffern and White Plains. Features of the new system include new bus stations with pre-boarding fare collection; state-of-the-art buses with WiFi; smart traffic signals that adapt to traffic conditions in real time.
Come to the Wed workshop to learn more about how mass transit will help you cross the Hudson in just two short years from today.