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Flying Thief Visits Nyack Farmer’s Market

It was a Nyack Farmer’s Market like any other. A little colder. Some hail, sure. But, you know, same old vendors, live music, normal Thurs–
It’s a bird! 
It’s a plane!
It’s — no, really, it’s a bird (a hawk). And it’s carrying a dead squirrel!

Credit: @taiim_shack_mobile, Instagram

Credit: @taiim_shack_mobile, Instagram

The Taiim Shack, which sells excellent hummus, allegedly caught the hawk mid-flight, with an artisan squirrel in tow. The hawk apparently was unaware that squirrel tastes best dipped in hummus, because it didn’t even stop for a free sample.

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Sun River Health.

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