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Nyack Schools’ PTA: The EYES Have It

Zac Dinkheller horizontal boy getting eye exam lifestyle kid child male person white caucasian 7 8 9 10 11 years having vision tested testing examination checking checkup check up check-up eyesight sight corrective ophthalmology optic optical doctor office medical health care healthcare consultation visit visiting optometry eyecare impaired impairment near far sighted nearsighted farsighted equipment instrument phoropter wearing VStock
by Dr. Matthew Watson, Eyevolution Optique
“Reading is boring!” she said, rolling her eyes upward and tossing her curly hair back for maximum effect. Ellie (not her real name) was a third grader whose 8th birthday was just a few weeks away. Her pediatrician had recommended an eye exam even though Ellie could read the 20/20 line on the distance chart. Her case history was un-remarkable with the exception of  allergies and occasional headaches.
After her eye exam, her parents that learned Ellie needed a significant prescription to help her see up close. Her headaches were caused by the eyestrain she suffered while reading. And because Ellie got headaches when she read, she avoided reading, which affected her grades. It also lowered her self esteem because Ellie couldn’t keep up with the rest of her class.
Many children present with minor or no real complaints about their eyesight, and why should they? They think that everyone sees as well or as poorly as they do. They lack a frame of reference for comparison. These kids may struggle academically or athletically because of un-diagnosed vision-related conditions, many of which are easily treated with the right prescription eyewear or vision therapy.
Every child benefits from a comprehensive eye exam. And now, your Nyack Schools’ PTA can benefit as well.
Eyevolution Optique, Nyack’s  our community-oriented, kid friendly eye care boutique, will donate 10% of qualified eyeglass sales or contact lens fittings to the Nyack Schools’ PTA of your choice through December 31, 2016. This offer includes gift certificates as well, with 10% of their value being donated to the PTA.
Eighty percent of learning in the first 12 years of life is dependent upon the eyes. Reliance on vision screenings alone can miss up to 60% of serious eye problems that would be caught in a routine eye exam.  Lastly, only your eye doctor has the necessary equipment to accurately diagnose and treat injuries and infections of the eye. Let us know if we can be a resource for you or your family.

Upper Nyack resident and lifelong Rocklander Dr. Matthew J. Watson is a therapeutically licensed optometrist and owner of Eyevolution Optique at 42 S Franklin St in Nyack. Any parent interested in getting a routine eye exam for their child where 10% will be donated to a Nyack Schools’ PTA, can make an appointment online or call 845-353-4701.

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Ellis Sotheby’s International Realty.

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