You are only one click and a library card away from taking a free class in Windows 10, Astronomy, HIPAA Compliance, SEO Copy Writing, Geology, Statistics…or Face Painting. These are a few of the hundreds of courses available through Universal Class, an online resource where you can “continue your lifelong pursuit of knowledge” from your favorite lounge chair, coffee shop…or anywhere.
Here’s a list of class categories that are available through Universal Class. Have your Nyack Library Card available before clicking to register for the classes in any of the following groups.
Here’s the week at a glance
at the Nyack Library.
- Shakespeare Discussion Group, 4p
- LEGO Builders, 4:30p
- FREE Assistance with NYS Health Insurance Programs, 5p
- Fiction Writers Workshop – New members welcome, 11a
- Grades 1-4: For the Birds! Registration required, 4:30p
- Teen Cooking, Registration required, 6p
- Mother Goose Time, 10:30a
- Preschool Story Time, 2p
Family Book Discussion, Registration required, 6:30p
Toddler Time, 11a
Seed Exchange Open Hours, 10a – 2p
Have a question or a fun fact you want to know? We’re looking for suggestions for our weekly Did You Know fact. Write to info@NyackNewsAndViews with your suggestions.
Did You Know comes to you each Monday on NyackNewAndViews, sponsored by the Nyack Library.