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Did You Know…About the Prom in the White House?

Mount Rushmore

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Here’s the week at a glance
at the Nyack Library.


President’s Day – Library closed


Cookbook Cook-Off featuring the African Diaspora, Registration required, 7p


  • BattleMaster (When Worldz Collide) Graphic Novel Making, Registration required, 5p


  • Magnificent Mandalas, Registration required, 11a
  • Ragtime Music Heroes, Registration required, 2p
  • Tweens Read, Registration required, 6p


Magic: The Gathering independent Play, Registration required, 1p


  • Antiques Appraisal Show, Registration required, 1p
  • Craftastic Sundays with Ms. Siobhan, Registration required, 1p

Today is Presidents’ Day in the United States and we all know about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln but what about the other 41 men who have taken the oath of office?  Here are some fun facts about some of the men who have held our nation’s highest office:

  • Grover Cleveland was the only U.S. President elected to two non-consecutive terms.  He was the 22nd and the 24th president.  He was also the first and only president to be married in the White House.
  • The 8th president, Martin Van Buren, was the first to be a United States citizen.  All previous presidents were British born.
  • The capital of Liberia is called Monrovia after President James Monroe.
  • James Buchanan was the only president who was a bachelor.  His White House hostess was his niece.
  • The only president to be born on the 4th of July was Calvin Coolidge.  John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the 4th of July, 1826 (the 50th anniversary of our country’s birth).  James Monroe died on July 4th 5 years later in 1831.
  • Gerald Ford held his daughter Susan’s high school prom in the White House.

Cookbook Cook-Off featuring the African Diaspora, Tue at 7p
Pick up one of our cookbooks from anywhere in the African diaspora: African-American, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Brazilian, or any African nation. Try out a recipe at home, bring in the dish to our pot-luck cook-off and we’ll see which cookbook wins the African Diaspora Cookbook Contest!  Registration is required, limited to 20 people. Please call the Reference desk and let them know what you will be bringing. 
Antiques Appraisal Show, Sun at 1p
Mr. Jon Felz of RZM Fine Arts and Antiques in Pearl River will tell you about your treasures and give you an estimate of their value. You are invited to sit in the audience to hear all about the wonderful things people bring in. First come, first served, get a number when you arrive.  Registration is required.

Have a question or a fun fact you want to know? We’re looking for suggestions for our weekly Did You Know fact. Write to info@NyackNewsAndViews with your suggestions.
Did You Know comes to you each Monday on NyackNewsAndViews, sponsored by the Nyack Library.

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Ellis Sotheby’s International Realty.

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