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What They Say About The Snow

by Dave Zornow
Nyack, Jan 22 — Here are the latest pronouncements about the impending Saturday snowstorm from O&R, Suez, Rockland County bus service, Tappan Zee Constructors…and Donald Trump.
SnowFurniture20110112O&R has declared a company-wide Storm Watch in anticipation of the possibility of a major storm system moving through the region this weekend.
To report outages and check service restoration status, you can:

  • Go to from any computer or web-enabled mobile device
  • Use the O&R mobile app from your iPhone, iPad or Android device
  • Text “OUT” to 69678 (myORU)
  • Call Customer Assistance at 1-877-434-4100

Suez asks residents to lend a hand or local fire depts: The company that provides the water for most of Rockland County is asking residents to help ensure that fire hydrants near their property are kept clear.
When water is needed to battle a fire, it is imperative that firefighters connect to fire hydrants immediately. Residents can assist by clearing away a three foot space from hydrants on or near their property. If firefighters cannot see a hydrant that is blocked by snow or debris, precious minutes are lost when they are trying to save lives and property.
Customers who notice damage to a hydrant are asked to contact SUEZ at 845-623-1500 (Rockland).  Note to newbies: The Village of Nyack and South Nyack are served by the Nyack Water Dept, not Suez.
How’s my bus doin’ ? Rockland County Tappan Zee Express (TZx) and TOR riders can subscribe to transit alerts at If you prefer to get a text about transportation glitches, you can subscribe to that service by texting keywords from your cell phone to (781) 728-9542:

  • TOR (for TOR alerts)
  • TZX (for TZx alerts)
  • TRIPS (for TRIPS alerts)

New NY Bridge (aka Tappan Zee Bridge): Accumulating snow forecast to fall on Saturday, Jan. 23, and possible blizzard conditions in the vicinity of the Tappan Zee Bridge may limit some operations at the project site over the weekend.
Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC, (TZC) inclement weather preparation protocols include inspecting and adjusting all mooring lines, inspecting crane barges and securing all equipment, having tug boats on the water to provide rapid response, moving the large majority of cranes to shallow water moorings and taking all smaller crew boats out of the water. Additionally, throughout every storm, TZC uses video and GPS to monitor the entire fleet of project vessels from its security operations center.
The Donald on The Snow: He seems to have an opinon on just about everything…including…snow. “When I was a young boy, in first or second grade, we had a large [snow] storm in New York,” presidential candidate Donald Trump told last February.  “I loved it. I shoveled snow. I didn’t have to go to school,” Trump recalled.
Although he likes the gray matter which passes for snow in NYC, the wannabe Republican presidential candidate isn’t a fan of how we handle white stuff on our roads. “Whenever I see snow, I see cities pouring salt all over the city,” Trump said. “It’s like hiring Rosie O’Donnell on The View—short term pleasure but long term disaster.”
(See? And you thought there wouldn’t be any Nyack reference in this Trump-ed  up political reference.)
Salt is “devastating” to steel, concrete, and asphalt, according to Trump. “It corrodes everything. One of the reasons our infrastructure is so bad is they use salt on the roads … I’ve forbidden salt at any of my properties. I have many long driveways. I won’t let them use salt.”
Trump’s solution? A “sand based material” is less effective in the short-term, but “will do no damage.” Like most Trumpian pronouncements, this assertion is not without its critics. Environmentalists have expressed concern that all sand snow solutions can be bad for the environment.
Does this mean that The Donald is in the pocket of Big Snow? Probably not; if challenged, he would assert that his financial independence would allow him to make as much snow as he wants, without having being beholden to Mother Nature. Who we can all agree, looking at the upcoming forecast, can be one big bad momma. Sometimes.

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Sun River Health.

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