On Tues Nov 3, registered voters in the Village of Nyack will vote for two of three candidates running for the Village Board. Joe Carlin is an independent running on the Nyack First line challenging incumbents Doug Foster and Marie Lorenzi who are running on the Democratic line as part of the Nyack Democrats ticket.
Click here to see a sample ballot for Nyack voters listing all of the candidates for all of the offices. If you are unsure about where to go to vote, visit the Rockland County Board of Elections.
Here are closing arguments from all three candidates.
Joe Carlin
Greetings, Nyack friends and neighbors. My name is Joe Carlin, and I’m writing to ask for your vote on November 3rd for Nyack Village Trustee. For the People. For the village. This is not just my slogan – this is why I’m running for Village Trustee. I believe that the first and foremost job of village government is to listen to the people and to work for the people.
On Thursday, October 22nd, we, the people, were successful. After months of opposition led by myself and others, the Village Board finally realized that the village does not want large multistory structures built cutting off the village from the riverfront. They shelved the plan that had been written by the developer who stood the most to gain from it. I commend the Village Board for listening to the people of Nyack and for validating my judgment and the judgment of the hundreds of people who opposed this misguided plan. Click to read more…
Doug Foster
I have had the honor of serving Nyack as trustee for the last six years. When Jen White and I decided to run together in 2009, we had an ambitious agenda to improve the way Village Hall serves its community. We’ve accomplished so much, like taming a runaway budget, rebuilding our roads, bringing in millions of grant dollars, but we still have much more to do.
So why should you vote for me? Here’s why:
Experience – Nyack needs trustees with experience. I have 25 years experience working in local government either as an urban planner, housing specialist or trustee. You won’t just be electing somebody who has some good ideas. I will be bringing decades of experience in local government management and operations. And, as a special bonus, I am a computer programmer specializing in website development. Click to read more…
Marie Lorenzini
It’s been an honor to be part of the Village of Nyack local government over the past 11 years serving as a trustee and sitting on the boards of both community and charitable organizations in the Village of Nyack. I’m running for re-election on November 3 — please consider voting for me a week from Tuesday.
My future vision for the village is that Nyack continues its growth and desirability for our diverse population, with our strengths coming from our land use boards, our Architectural Review Board, the development of our water front, the Memorial Park expansion and by upgrading our Comprehensive Plan.
The present Village Board has changed the face of Nyack to keep up with the With the changing economic environment in which we live. We need to continue our efforts to grow, but in a responsible way which takes into account the needs of our residents today and in the future. Click to read more…