“The Tappan Zee Bridge offers some very basic lessons,” says Political Science Professor Philip Mark Plotch. “States need to cooperate on transportation problems that cross borders, maintain their existing infrastructure, and make strategic investments in a timely manner.” Plotch, author of the new book, Politics Across the Hudson: The Tappan Zee Megaproject, will be the featured speaker at 7p tonight, Sept 24, at the Nyack Library.
The largest current infrastructure project in the country, the construction of the replacement Tappan Zee Bridge is now 50 percent complete. However, Plotch contends that the old bridge could have been saved if the existing TZB had received appropriate TLC. In a September 7 article in The Atlantic, the former MTA Manager of Planning writes that New York had an opportunity to repair and extend the Tappan Zee Bridge’s life span — but didn’t. “By the time state officials finally made a decision about the bridge, it had deteriorated so badly that the state had no choice but to replace it,” Plotch says. “Some bridges, like the Golden Gate Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge, are expected to stand for centuries. But the Tappan Zee needs to be replaced before its 62nd birthday because New York cut costs by minimizing the use of steel when it was first built and then allowing roadway salt to corrode it.”
St. Peters College Political Science Professor Philip Mark Plotch will speak at The Nyack Library in the Community/Meeting Room on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 7p. The Nyack Library is located at 59 S Broadway in Nyack.
WNYC: Politics and Intrigue at the Tappan Zee Bridge