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Vandals Strike Sprinklers for 4th Time In Memorial Park

Nyack Aug 26 — The Village of Nyack reports that the sprinklers in the playground area at Memorial Park will need to be repaired after the fourth occurrence of vandalism this summer. “We are disgusted that there are those with so little regard for our property that they continue to damage an important part of the children’s playground, particularly important during these hot days of summer,” writes a village official on

Sprinklers at Memorial Park vandalized 4x this summer 201508The Orangetown Police Department says the sensor which turns the sprinkler system on and off in the play area of Nyack’s Memorial Park was intentionally damaged on August 24 and previously on June 30, July 17 and July 23.

There was a robust discussion of the incident on the Village of Nyack Facebook page, an unofficial discussion group not connected to the village government. “The shady happenings in that area of the park, between the sprinklers and the stream around the bottom of the stairs, have been going on 24/7 for years,” wrote one poster. “Pot smoke wafts into the playground, broken beer bottles are everywhere, and there is plenty of nasty language, fights, etc. We can’t let our tween go to Memorial Park with her friends, without adults, anymore, because of stuff that’s been yelled at them or things they’ve seen/heard.”

After four incidents and repairs which have cost taxpayers over $1000, it might be time to try a different approach to addressing the problem. “For a small investment, night time cameras can and should be installed at the park to catch the perps, and with signage warning that the area is under video surveillance, it can probably be prevented,” wrote village resident Joe Carlin, including a link to an outdoor webcam available on EBay for less than $100.

The Village of Nyack says each repair costs the village over $400.

Anyone who has information related to this vandalism should contact the Orangetown Police Department at (845) 359-3700 x3501.

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