For over a century, our region has been home to extraordinary artists. Local Arts Index highlights the work of individuals who continue our community’s rich creative legacy.
Meet Ken Burns.
How did you become an artist?
I was born an artist, but did not know it. When I was young I dabbled in art, yet my creativity remained dormant. Work became unfulfilling, and then, at just the right time, the creative spirit was awakened in me in my old age.
My craving to produce “what I see” came back in retirement and it has been a good life ever since.
What kind of art do you make?
I enjoy painting and photographing landscapes and sunsets. Lately, I have been using my photographs as a vehicle for abstract acrylic paintings on large canvasses.
When I was young, I was not a fan of abstract painting, but I realize that we may not like what we don’t understand. And now, my mind is open to anything.
What is your muse?
My muses are color, nature and what the viewer sees in my work. My observations have dramatically changed since perusing art, as I see and feel more during the process now.
What observers see in my abstract art gives a new perspective on what I accomplished. Their insights are inspiration for future projects.
What’s Next?
I hope to grow in my work by going backwards. By that I mean I have moved through realistic to abstract interpretations and watercolor to acrylic mediums.
Now, I want to experiment with watercolor again and bring together machines, mechanical objects and rust. It will be a gradual process, but change is coming!
Ken is a member of the Nyack Art Collective and shows regularly in their monthly First Friday group show. The next group show, titled Aquatic Life, opens on August 8 at Prohibition River, 82 Main Street at 8p.
Local Arts Index is sponsored by Maria Luisa, 77 South Broadway and ML by Maria Luisa, 75 South Broadway, Nyack, NY