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Lowey, Gillibrand, Schumer, Engle, Maloney on Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran Deal Deal Or No Deal -- Source:“After many months of principled diplomacy, President Obama announced a historic long-term comprehensive nuclear deal between Iran and the US, UK, France, China, Russia, Germany and the EU that will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful going forward. Now, with this deal in place, the U.S., our allies, and the international community can know that tough, new requirements will keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” —

The following statements on the Iranian nuclear negotiations were issued by New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Representatives Lowey, Engle and Maloney on Tues July 14.

“The international community entered into negotiations with Iran with one united goal: prevent the regime from developing nuclear weapons. Congress will now begin a comprehensive review of the agreement to determine whether this goal can be fulfilled under the deal’s parameters.

“There’s no question that Secretary Kerry has worked tirelessly to bring about this agreement, and his efforts are to be commended. However, I continue to have long-standing concerns about the enforcement and verifiability of any agreement with Iran, given their long history of deception and well-documented illicit activity in the region.  (Read full statement) — Congresswoman Nita Lowey (Westchester/Rockland), the Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Committee.


I strongly supported and helped pass the sanctions that were put in place that brought Iran to the table, but sanctions alone won’t work. The best outcome for the national security interests of the United States and Israel is a strong, verifiable deal that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Now that the deal is complete, it is Congress’s duty to look long and hard at the details. I want to read all of the details, especially on the verification components, before making a determination whether this is a good deal.” — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand


“Over the coming days, I intend to go through this agreement with a fine-tooth comb, speak with administration officials, and hear from experts on all sides. I supported legislation ensuring that Congress would have time and space to review the deal, and now we must use it well. Supporting or opposing this agreement is not a decision to be made lightly, and I plan to carefully study the agreement before making an informed decision.” — Senator Charles Schumer


“But no matter what the agreement says, we should be clear: our issues with Iran are far from resolved.  This agreement seeks to settle one aspect of Iran’s dangerous behavior.  But Iran remains destructive around the globe.  Iran is going to remain a problem—not a partner—for the United States and our allies in the Middle East.

“When sanctions are eased, then Congress must use every tool at our disposal to prevent Iran from plowing its newfound wealth into violence and turmoil.  Just last week, Syria’s President Assad accepted a $1billion line of credit from Iran to help sustain his murderous regime.  Iran has transferred millions to Gaza in recent months, which will help Hamas rebuild the tunnels it uses to kidnap, kill, and terrorize Israelis. We need to make sure that a nuclear deal doesn’t make these problems worse.

“As Congress reviews this deal, we will have to consider what the alternatives are.  We will not be choosing between this deal and a perfect deal. And if this deal goes through, Congress must be ready if Iran fails to comply with the agreement.  In that case, we can’t only rely on snapback sanctions provided for in the agreement.

“If Iran fails to comply and the international sanctions regime collapses—and that’s a real possibility, given recent actions by Russia and China—we will have to consider the whole range of options if Iran races toward a bomb.  A military strike would have severe consequences for our allies and interests in the region, and is by no means the only alternative to a deal.  But a credible threat to destroy Iran’s nuclear program must remain on the table, as it always has been. (Read full statement) — Representative Eliot L. Engel, the top Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs


“I look forward to carefully reviewing the Iran agreement in the days ahead. Any deal must prevent Iran from possessing nuclear weapons.  There must also be robust and ongoing verification that Iran has dismantled its critical nuclear infrastructure before we lift the sanctions. I take seriously my responsibility to examine this agreement, and I will take into consideration the opinions of experts, the administration, and my neighbors in the Hudson Valley before making an informed decision.” — Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18)

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Ellis Sotheby’s International Realty.

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