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Nyack Weekender: 4 Movies, 6 Music/Art Shows, 1 Penguin Plunge

Forget your A-List: Birdman, Bill Batson, Mo Better Blues and Bach are some of the killer B’s near Nyack this weekend. Enjoy.


  • See the 2015 Oscar Winner for Best Picture, Birdman, at the historic Lafayette Theatre in Suffern at 7:30p. Sat-Sun showtimes are 1:30p, 4:30p and 7:30p at 97 Lafayette Ave, Suffern.
  • Local author Bill Batson will discuss and sign his book, the Nyack Sketch Log, a collection of 55 sketches and short essays at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Nyack Library, 59 S. Broadway. Use parking lot entrance on Hudson Ave, 6p.
  • MoBetter Blues directed by Spike Lee, starring Denzel Washington. 7:30-10p at Nyack Village Theatre, 94 Main St.
  • Critically acclaimed singer-songwriter Katie Elevitch returns to the stage with her folk-rock-soul songs after a year long hiatus following the birth of her first child. Two sets, 9 and 11p at Prohibition River, 82 Main St, Nyack.
  • Capo 2nd Fret performs acoustic covers of hits from the 90’s and prior in a family-friendly environment. 7-9p at Bourbon Street, 132 Main St, Nyack.


  • Carnegie Concert Series presents Bach’s Complete Keyboard Works featuring pianist Mei-Ting Sun. 7:30-9:30p at Nyack Library, 59 S. Broadway.
  • Premiere of the movie Waterless, the story of a young man who discovers he has the rarest (and only) disease known to mankind, with unusual plot twists and turns. Two showings at 6p and 8:15p at Nyack Village Theatre, 94 Main St.
  • Edward Hopper House presents paintings and drawings by Philip Koch. The artist’s work includes large, vibrant landscape paintings as well as oils and charcoal drawings of the interiors of both Edward Hopper’s Truro, MA, studio and of Hopper’s Nyack home. 5-7p, at Edward Hopper House, 85 North Broadway. Exhibit runs through April 12.


  • PenguinPlunge2013TZB Take the Penguin Plunge into the frosty waters of the historic Hudson for three great kids who have serious illnesses! 12-2p, Memorial Park, Piermont Ave.
  • Opening for Nature Inc, an exhibit of artists that incorporate (Inc) their profound affinity for nature with their drive to create art. Opening 2-5p, exhibit on view through April 12. Rockland Center for the Arts, 27 S. Greenbush Rd, West Nyack.
  • A reception for Sunrise on the Hudson, a show by Roufa the Photo Doctor to benefit Homeaides of Rockland. 2-5p at The Corner Frame Shop is located at 40 S Franklin, Nyack.
  • The Towers of Nyack, a photo-essay of Nyack’s unique architecture, by Bob Goldberg goes on display for the month of March at ML by Maria Luisa 75 S. Broadway, Nyack.
  • The groundbreaking documentary Intersexion reveals the secrets of the unconventional lives of the intersex and how they navigate the male/female world. 2:30-4:30p at Nyack Library, 59 S. Broadway, sponsored by VCS.
  • Outdoor skating each weekend at Ramapo Ice Park at Provident Bank ParkBear Mountain Ice Rink and Harriman State Park. Check Websites for times and fees. Skating at Lakes Tiorati and Silvermine in Harriman is free but only permitted only when green flag is present. Visit or call (845) 351-2568.

Next Week


  • Join the River River Writers’ Circle at the Nyack Indoor Famers’ Market with localcuppa writers Donna Miele (Cuppa Pulp Writers Space) and Anupama Amaran (Seranam Literary Arts). Free mini­writing workshop with writing prompt, shared reading, and technique guidance. RSVP at 11a-1p at Nyack Center, 58 Depew Ave.
  • Figure Drawing Group. $12 per session, $6 for students. Enter in back, 7:30-10p. Nyack Center, 58 Depew Ave.
  • The Art Series at Nyack College School of Music presents alumnus, John Walsh, will dazzle with Phillip Glass’s Metamorphosis I-V, The Hours, Gershwin’s Three Preludes and his famous Rhapsody in Blue. Free admission. 7:15p at Pardington Hall, Nyack College, 45 S. Blvd.

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The Nyack Weekender
is sponsored by

The Arts Council
of Rockland

Nyack Farmer's Market

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