by Lawrence A. Garvey, Rockland County Republican Committee
Last week, Frank Sparaco agreed to resign from his seat in the Rockland County Legislataure. The county GOP provided the following statement.
Rockland County Legislator Frank Sparaco pleaded guilty on Friday, February 6 in Clarkstown Justice Court. Sparaco’s arrest and conviction are sad reminders of what is wrong in politics.
Sparaco was elected to serve the people of Rockland County Legislative District Eleven and chose instead to serve himself. Sparaco started by co-opting The Rockland County Independence Party and watched his mother-in-law go to jail as a result. Not having learned from his mistakes, he tried lying and cheating his way to control the Rockland Republican Party as well. Those attempts failed spectacularly and as a result, today he resigns in disgrace and must serve jail time.
Frank Sparaco led efforts in the Rockland County Legislature to oppose new gun restrictions passed by New York State in the wake of the December 2012 Sandy Hook tragedy. Speaking at a 1/19/2013 New City gun rights rally covered by the Rockland County Times, Sparaco said, “Look around you here now, we are the militia, and we will not be infringed. The second amendment has nothing to do with hunting, it’s about protection, especially against a tyrannical government.”
Sparaco’s bio on the Rockland County Legislature website notes that he is decorated US Navy combat veteran, a graduate of Nyack High School, Arizona State University, the College of Staten Island, and Rockland Community College. He has served in the Rockland County Legislature since 2007.
The lengths that Sparaco would go to gain influence in Rockland County politics must make one wonder exactly why he wanted control so badly that he would risk public shame, jail time and the end of his political career. Thanks to recent developments state-wide, one does not need to wonder for long. From New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s recent arrest to State Senator Malcolm Smith’s conviction yesterday, to Governor Cuomo’s disbanding of the Moreland Commission, corruption in New York State Politics is an epidemic. Political service is public service not personal service. The people of Rockland County deserve much more than what Frank Sparaco delivered to them.
The Rockland County Republican Party is committed to ending corruption and self-dealing in politics. Political corruption knows no party affiliation and the conviction of Frank Sparaco is welcomed by all in the Rockland Republican Party.
Lawrence A. Garvey is the Chairman of the Rockland County Republican Committee.
See also:
- Spy vs. Spy, Sparaco vs. GOP & Dems in Rockland, 7/19/2013
- Sparaco pleads guilty, will resign from legislature, Journal News 2/6/2015
- Fighting the Plague, Rockland County Times 1/24/2013