Last November New NY Bridge officials released a parking study for Nyack and South Nyack which said the future tourism needs of the Tappan Zee Bridge Shared Use Path (SUP) in Rockland can be handled with only 54 parking spots. The study looked at visitors arriving by car, on a bike, by foot and via mass transit, using observations at local tourist venues (Rockland Lake, Nyack Beach State Park), regional sites (George Washington Bridge and the Rip Van Winkle Bridge) and new shared use path venues in other states (Woodrow Wilson Bridge in Northern Virginia near Washington, DC and the Cooper River Bridge in South Carolina).
Eight different scenarios were suggested to provide parking which range in cost from free to $9.4 million.
[info]Thruway officials are looking for input from residents, business owners and visitors across the tri-state area to determine which parking configuration will work best. Review the options described at and email the bridge builders at and tell them what you think. The deadline for comments is Feb 13[/info]
In that the new bridge has been designed to last 100 years, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to influence what is likely to be in place for generations to come.

Parking Plan “E” includes a new 54 spot parking lot at Interchange 10 with a connection to the Shared Use Path via a tunnel under the South Broadway Bridge. The Rail Trail connection would add overflow parking in downtown Nyack with a connection via the existing rail trail and a planned bike lane on South Broadway and South Franklin.
Here are highlights of the various plans, arranged from least expensive to most expansive.
- Use Existing On-Street Parking, or On-Street Parking with Muni-meters: Adding muni-meters would cost $100,00 but would provide a new revenue for the Village of South Nyack
- Parking at Interchange 10
- Connection to Shared Use Path via Ramp behind Village Hall to Esposito Trail — $3.1 million
- Connection to Shared Use Path via On-Street Bicycle Lane and Sidewalks on South Broadway — $2.7 million
- Connection to Shared Use Path via Tunnel under South Broadway Bridge; Ramps and Pedestrian Bridge link to Esposito Trail — $9.4 million
- Parking in Interchange 10 and on Route 9W Bridge; Connection to Shared Use Path via Closed On-Ramp to I-87/287 Eastbound — $8.85 million
- Parking in Nyack Municipal Lots
- Connection to Shared Use Path via fully separated path leading from Esposito Trail to Artopee Way — $1.8 million
- Connection to Shared Use Path via On-Street Bike Lane and Sidewalks on South Franklin Street — $1.35 million
See also:
- South Nyack: The Fault Is Not Our State, But In Ourselves, 12/9/2014
- South Nyack Tappan Zee SUP: He Said, She Said On The Hudson, 12/3/2014
- South Nyack’s solution to Tappan Zee path costs $10M, Journal News 11/26/2014