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Rockland Legal Aid Society Gala Tues Nite

by Stephen Papas

LEGALAIDROCKLAND201410The most generous hearts of Rockland County will come together to support the Legal Aid Society of Rockland County this week. The annual gala for the Legal Aid Society will be held at The View on the Hudson in Piermont on Tues Oct 7. The funds raised will support the organization’s mission of providing free legal representation in civil cases to families and individuals who cannot afford private counsel.

In civil proceedings involving fundamental human needs, it is extremely difficult — if not impossible — for a person to be assured a fair outcome without a lawyer’s help. That’s why people in Rockland faced with losing the roof over their heads, suffering the breakup of their families, or having their very livelihood threatened rely on the Legal Aid Society of Rockland County, a private not-for-profit organization providing free legal services to those in need.

This year, Larry McElroen, Esq., First Vice President of Hudson Valley Bank and Susan Cooper, Esq., Past President of the Legal Aid Society will be honored for their dedicated service to the Legal Aid Society of Rockland County. Through their efforts and that of many others, the Legal Aid Society is able to help families at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure or eviction; individuals who are wrongly deprived of their unemployment, disability or Medicaid benefits; children who are victims of abuse and neglect, families and individuals affected by HIV/AIDS; and domestic violence survivors seeking to break free of abusive marriages.

The event begins at 6p with cocktails and dinner is at 7p.

To learn more about the Legal Aid Society or to purchase tickets to the Annual Gala, please visit .

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