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Health & Wellness

Diane Hoch’s Food Evolution

Food Evolution_Dianeby DJ Cracovia

Ten years as a stay-at-home mom brought Diane Hoch to an “aha moment” regarding the food choices offered to her children at school. It was the catalyst that changed her life.

Now she’s on a mission to change the way we think about food. Hoch wants to replace bad habits from childhood with healthy eating behaviors that last a lifetime using whole foods, delicious recipes and better choices.

To further her culinary crusade, Hoch returned to school and become a nutritionist and chef. With  degrees in hand from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and additional education in natural cooking techniques, she opened a storefront cooking center in Bardonia, New York. It’s also the command center for her campaign called The Food Evolution.

Hoch and her staff offer several ways to help their clients achieve these personal goals, with monthly menu planning, cooking lessons and unlimited moral support through her Blog at and counseling.

Food Evolution Newsletter

Each month, Hoch generate a newsletter that has useful nutritional information and recipes. Here is a sampling of her May newsletter:

“One of the first questions you’ll hear after admitting to supporting a vegetarian diet is ‘where does your protein come from?’ While it is a concerning topic, it can certainly be asked to individuals who eat meat. In fact, most people that adopt a plant based diet do so because of the amount of saturated fat in meat outweighs the amount of protein. Therefore, many people adopt the plant based lifestyle to consciously increase their protein intake and reap the benefits of eating clean. Some of our favorite sources of protein include nuts, seeds, and legumes.”

“Studies have found that the human body is made up of over 60% water, and the brain is made up of over 75% water. Therefore, our organs and blood system heavily depend on our water intake to operate properly. This leads us to believe that unless we’re consuming the minimal daily requirement of 8 glasses of water as well as eating hydrating fruits and vegetables, we’re easily at risk of being dehydrated and putting our bodies at a disadvantage.”

Hydrating Green Smoothie

  • 2 Cups Kale, packed down with stems removed
  • 1 Apple, cored
  • 1/2 Cup Parsley
  • 2 Stalks of Celery
  • 1 Lemon, peeled
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 6 Cups Water

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve and Enjoy! Yum

Recipe courtesy The Food Evolution

Everyone in the family can benefit from each classes including:

  • Cooking for baby
  • Create a healthy lunch box
  • Simple dinner menus for busy families
  • Creative cooking for teens
  • Seasonal workshops like the Valentine’s Day class, “a Touch of Romance

“With our hectic daily lives, we have become disconnected from our food,” ,” Hoch says. “I want to help people reconnect.  Not just with food, but with a healthy and happy lifestyle.”

One-to-one personal counseling, designed to help meet specific health and wellness goals is available for people who don’t like cooking classes or prefer individual attention. “Everyone has different needs and come from a different background with food and I want to accommodate that,” says Hoch.

Part of the process consists of a pantry clean out, supermarket tour, recipes and nutritional consultations every two weeks.

You can find Hoch online at where she’s completed over 60 video lessons.  “Giving is so much more than doing something to get something in return and for me,” she says. “Food is medicine and I want to teach people how to live healthy happy lives.”

For more info or to subscribe to The Food Evolution monthly newsletter visit

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