For over a century, our region has been home to extraordinary artists. Local Arts Index highlights the work of individuals who continue our community’s rich creative legacy.
Meet Nyack College student and cartoonist Jeremy Fuscaldo.
How Did You Become an Artist?
I used to draw far back when I was a child. Some of that stuff that I drew included drawings of Yoda, Dexter (Dexter’s Lab), Charlie Brown, Garfield and other favorite characters of that time. At that point in my life, I had aspired to become a cartoonist and would draw every chance I had.
But as the years past, that aspiration took a break. When I picked up my pencil and paper again as high school was wrapping up. I began to explore comics and animation.
Eventually, when I came to Nyack College, I took a drawing course and that’s when I started practicing like hell.
What kind of art do you make?
I love telling my own stories through sequential art. It allows me to experiment with different types of camera angles to find the most effective way to tell a story.
I am a huge animation buff. I’m not in the business at this point, but I love learning about how animation, as an art form, impacted both TV and film.
The tools of trade I use include Prismacolor pencils and ink pens; regular pen; regular HB #2 pencils; 6-8B pencils and Pentel ink brushes with small ink pallets.
What’s Your Muse?
My muses really vary. Sometimes, it’s hard to keep track. They would include favorite artists, films, TV shows, music, everyday life, etc.– generally the whole nine yards.
Some favorite artists are guys like Skottie Young, Bruce Timm, Tyler Crook, and Craig Bartlett.
I actually had the privilege of meeting with Tyler Crook multiple times online and eventually at Comic Con in 2012. He’s a really cool guy and a passionate comic artist.
What’s Next?
Currently, I juggle school with making art. Recently, I have started contributing drawings to NyackNewsAndViews.
Once school is out, I intend to revive some old projects and try to get started on developing ideas for graphic novels/comics.
I’m also signing up for an internship at a job in New York City over the summer. The details on what it is I’m purposely leaving as a surprise until I officially start.
You can see more of Jeremy’s work at and on
Local Arts Index is sponsored by Maria Luisa, 77 South Broadway and ML by Maria Luisa, 75 South Broadway, Nyack, NY