by Owen Voutsinas-Klose
Nyack, Feb 13 12:45p — Had enough of winter yet? Today’s Nor’ Easter snowstorm will dump up to 12 inches of snow on the village. Dubbed “Pax” by the Weather Channel, it slammed the south, giving parts of North Carolina more snow in a day then they have had all season. Because it combined with ocean air and intensified as it hit the northeast, the snow is expected to be heavier farther away from the coast changing to sleet or rain closer to the Atlantic.
I’ve been tracking the storm with my weather station located on 5th Ave in Nyack. Here’s a graph of the barometric pressure falling as the storm intensifies. Our personal weather station uploads its status to every 20 minutes — follow this link to see the latest Nyack weather conditions collected from a weather station in the village!
The rain-snow line is crucial in this storm and will determine how much snow we get. Right now, we should stay in the snow line for most of the day and change over to sleet early tomorrow morning.
Get your Nyack forecasts from Owen’s Yacktown Egg Company weather station on the WeatherUnderground App available on iTunes and Google Play.