by DJ Cracovia
Virginia Mims is the only Licensed Acupuncturist credentialed at Nyack Hospital. Though Virginia sees many clients with varying pain management needs, Women’s Health is one of her passions. “No two women experience the same symptom the same way, which is why I customize a treatment plan tailored to your specific symptoms and lifestyle.”
Her office at Nyack Hospital has the feeling of a spa, with calming light green and eggshell walls. A comfortable massage table sits just behind a retractable burgundy curtain. The accoutrements of her practice line the table along the back wall. Books on Chinese Medicine rest on the top shelf of her bookcase. You almost forget you are on the fifth floor of a large area hospital. Her office was designed with comfort and serenity in mind.
Virginia has an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Duke University. While at Duke, she took a course in alternative medicine that was taught by an MD. “I loved the idea of working with the total individual, body, mind and spirit,” Virginia said.
National Institute of Health
According to National Institute of Health ‘s February 2011 newsletter, many well-designed studies have found that acupuncture can help with certain conditions, such as back pain, knee pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.
“In many research studies, it’s clear that if you’re comparing acupuncture to usual care, the acupuncture group almost always does better,” said Richard L. Nahin of NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
During a subsequent three-week trip to Thailand to study Thai massage, her true calling became clear. Virginia did some soul searching. “I asked myself, what are my unique gifts and how can I best use them in the service of others?”
Her answers came from another acupuncturist she met there. Virginia asked her about the qualities needed to be a skilled acupuncturist, what it took to be an effective and compassionate healer. The women told her, “You have to study hard and have a big heart.”
Virginia opened a private practice in Manhattan after graduating from Touro Collage with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. In 2013 she launched the first comprehensive acupuncture practice at Nyack Hospital, with specialties in both pain management and women’s health.
“As women, we all want to feel great. The modern approach to women’s health is to correct imbalances with hormones, drugs or surgery. But this isn’t the best approach for everyone. By offering natural treatment ~ without major risks or side effects ~ Chinese medicine fills the void in modern women’s healthcare.”
When not at Nyack Hospital, she can be found teaching 90-minute prenatal acupressure classes for expectant parents as well as a two-hour educational program for health care professionals. Virginia is also a Board Certified Herbalist and a Certified Menopause Practitioner. For women over the age of 40, Virginia can offer relief for many for all of the symptoms of peri and post menopause.
A first visit to Virginia’s office will last about two hours. Not only will she look at a patient’s current medical history, she also conducts a comprehensive Chinese Medical exam including a review of all the body’s systems. “Some of my clients are surprised at the depth of my initial consultation,” She says.
As she delves into the chief complain, Mims works from head to toe to figure out the best treatment plan for the individual based on the rubrics of Chinese medicine. “Together, we will design a program that is right for each patient, so they can get back to being your vibrant, energized self.”
Learn more about her practice at or by calling her office at at Nyack Hospital at 917-526-2365.
See also:
- 2014 Health, Beauty and Wellness Guide
- Yoga teacher Paula Heitzner
- Therapeutic movement practitioner Judith Rose
- Massage therapist Sarah Hatkoff
- Nyack Sketch Log: Preston Powell’s Teagevity
- Nyack Sketch Log: Yoga Reborn Here