by Dave Zornow
Nyack, Dec 9 — If you live in Nyack or any other Orangetown community and can’t understand why its taking so long to decide who won last month’s Supervisor election, there’s a 6 in 10 chance that you might be the cause of the delay. That’s because only 40 percent of the registered voters in Orangetown voted in the General Election. As of today, only three votes separate incumbent Andy Stewart (D) from challenger Walter Wettje (R). With 12 votes still to be reviewed by Rockland County Supreme Court Judge Victor J. Alfieri, Jr., it’s anyone’s guess as to how it will turn out.
In the November Supervisor election, a majority of people decided to sit out the election. But what message does that send to the “electeds” if they know they only need to appeal to a minority of the voters?
Nyack Fire District Election
Polls are open 3-9p on Tues Dec 10.
Nyack Fire District residents living south of Main Street, vote at Depew Manor Senior Center, 60 Depew Ave.
Residents living north of Main Street, vote at Central Fire House, 13 Park St in Nyack.
Which brings us to Tuesday’s Fire Commissioner Election in Nyack. If you don’t know about the candidates, read what incumbent Keith Taylor and challenger Peter Wortendyke published last week on NyackNewsAndViews. Or you can ask someone who volunteers with the Nyack Fire District or read some of the robust conversations on Facebook.
We support our volunteers with tax dollars, charitable donations, our grateful thanks and our collective thoughts and prayers for their safety. Isn’t their dedication to our community worth a few minutes of your time on Tuesday?