by Dan White
Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA spying on 317 million Americans and Angela Merkel have rocked our faith in government. It’s one thing to co-opt Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Verizon and the guy who works the T-Mobile kiosk at the Palisades Mall, but this week’s news about the NSA’s latest recruit gives children of all ages a deep morale issue to ponder: are those milk and cookies left out on Xmas eve helping to make the world safe, or just sorry it got a smart phone from the Secret Santa last year?
Dan White lives in Nyack with his wife and son. When he’s not working as an editor in Manhattan, he draws and writes blogs at Sarah Loves Picnics and Uncle Otto’s Free Fun Coloring Pages.
See also: Snark Alley on NyackNewsAndViews