Thursday, October 24 is National Food Day. Nyack’s Farmers’ Market will be the centerpiece of a local buffet of food-themed activities. At venues throughout Nyack, workshops, food drives, exhibitions and screenings will be served up to support a grassroots campaign for healthy, affordable and sustainable food and better food policies across the United States.
Food Day was created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest and is powered by a diverse coalition of food movement leaders and organizations throughout the US. This year will be the 3rd annual Food Day in the United States.

Leigh-Anne Eagerton’s painting on display in the Nyack Art Collective’s Food Show at Vincent’s Ear, 85 South Broadway
Most Food Day events take place on Thursday. Nyack Art Collective got an early start with an exhibit called “Food” that opened on October 4th and is on display throughout the month at Vincent’s Ear.
October 24th Food Day Activities in Nyack
- Meditation starts the day led by Dina Kushnir at Nyack Center (8am).
Nyack Farmers’ Market Outdoor Food Day Festival (8am-2pm)

Chicken painting by Raising Chicken in Your Backyard Presenter, Tracy Kachtick-Anders
Each Thursday, the Nyack Farmer’s Market offers locally grown and produced foods in the Main Street Parking lot from 10a-2p. This week’s Food Day festival will include:
- A Fresh Produce Food Drive for People to People
- Cooking Demonstrations and Talks with Diane Hoch, The Food Evolution (all day)
- The Healthy Egg: Raising Chickens in Your Backyard Presented by Tracy Kachtick-Anders (day all)
- Container Gardening with Cornell Cooperative Extention (all day)
- Edible Landscapes with Reconnecting Roots (all day)
- Sugars and Fats (10a-1p) with Denise Roma, Nutritionist, Nyack Hospital
- Fun Food Stories (11a) Storytime for pre-schoolers with Aldona Pilmanis, Head of Youth Services, Nyack Library
- Mindful Eating (11:30a) with Michelle Kleinman, Nutritionist, Rockland County Health Departmen
Wild Eats! A Foraging Walk and Talk in
- Led by Paul Tappenden, Suburban Foragers (meet at Nyack Beach parking at 2p on Oct. 24)
Eat Real! after-school program for kids at Nyack Library
- Oct. 24 from 4pm – 5pm
Movie Screening: “A Place at the Table” Nyack Center Oct. 24 at 7:30p.
- A Place at the Table examines the economic and cultural impact of hunger in America. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion including New York State Assemblymember Ellen Jaffee, Chair of the Assembly’s Task Force on Food, Farm and Nutrition Policy, acclaimed nutritionist and author Joan Gussow, People to People Director Diane Serratore and Cropsey Community Farm Manager Shane Hardy, with additional special guests. The panel will focus on the Farm Bill, its implications, and the action we can take at the local level. This event is co-sponsored by Rockland Farm Alliance and Rivertown Films
Additional Food Day events in the month of October
- Discussion on The American Way of Eating At Nyack Library (see Nyack Library website)
- Display at Nyack Library by Rockland Farm Alliance (all month)
- Healthy, Non-Perishable Food Drive at Nyack Library (all month)
For more information on Food Day and a listing of local Food Day events visit