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Wed: Tell Me A Story

Story Telling Here sign. Photo Credit: Mike Grenville. Source: 201307by Jayme Cooper

Before there were blogs, YouTube, Cable News, TV, Radio or the printing press, we had story tellers. This week there’s a small celebration of that most human and very ancient art form in Nyack.

“Live your life from your heart, share from your heart, and your story will heal other people’s souls.”
-Melody Beattie

There’s magic in the act of storytelling. Magic, in the sense that it transforms right on the spot. A plot, a concept, sometimes even a word spoken out into the atmosphere has the power to reach down deep into our souls and ignite that often elusive spark that lives in all of us.

To experience that magic, however, someone has to stand up and speak—to offer up a piece of themselves, to tell their story. And, on July 31st at 7 pm at ML Gifts and Accessories, a group of women will do just that. In the spirit of living and sharing from the heart, we offer a night filled with what we know will be magic.

The intention for this beautiful evening is that we gather under the balmy, star-filled summer sky to ignite that spark in one another and honor the transformational act of storytelling.

So, to all the writers of poetry and prose and those who appreciate the spoken word, please join us. Let this be a time and place to meet and forge new relationships and collaborations.

For more information, please contact Jayme at 646-391-6575 or

Photo Credit: Mike Grenville via

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Sun River Health.

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