The odds that anyone could convince the public to focus more of its charitable giving on an overlooked disease seemed remote. And the idea that my friend Arielle and I — two sixteen year old girls — could make a difference, seemed impossible. Where could we start? How would we do it? How do charities get off the ground, we asked each other. “One dollar at a time,” one of us said. We stared at one another, and at that moment “A Dollar Campaign” was born.
Some history: we knew very early on we wanted to make a difference in the world. Meeting as freshmen in high school, we realized we shared a common interest, to seek a cure for pediatric cancer. “A Dollar Campaign” is a charity that everyone can be a part of, even during these difficult economic times. All we ask of our donors is one dollar. This way everyone can be a part of finding the cure.
Pediatric cancer has always been an important cause to us. For Seri, her turning point was a book. For Arielle, it was volunteering with sick children.
Despite the fact that this life threatening disease is diagnosed in 36 children and adolescents every day in the United States, pediatric cancer research is surprisingly underfunded in comparison with other cancer related illnesses. The causes of most childhood cancers are unknown and sadly, they cannot be prevented.
What is most rewarding for us is hearing about other children who have been inspired and are now eager to make a difference in their own lives after learning about our story. We want to get the message out that kids can make a difference, no matter what age. It makes us feel so amazing if we are able to create a chain reaction of giving. We encourage kids to contact us through our email to get involved.
In 18 months we have collected enough money that we were able to make our first donations to several New York pediatric cancer research hospitals at the end of 2012.
We are passionate about our cause. There is a saying that “charity begins at home.” Well, we are kids raising money to help other kids. Kids must lead the way, blaze the path, and provide the way forward. Then they have the right to insist that everyone, regardless of age, join the journey to defeat childhood and adolescent cancer.
We believe that you should know every detail as to how your donation is being used. Donations are spent on research, state of the art equipment/instruments and parent/patient care. Every dollar we receive goes directly to pediatric research institutions. We cover our own costs personally. Our hard work is well worth it, and we hope you will agree and send a dollar to help find the cure for childhood cancer.
How can you help? Help us spread the word by telling others about And please consider making a donation, too, because every dollar makes a difference.
Seri Roth and Arielle Joselson are co-founders of A Dollar Campaign, a non-profit charity which raises money to support pediatric cancer research. They live in the Lower Hudson Valley.