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Spotlight on Business: Persistence Pays

by Glen Keene, JD, CPC

Attorney, certified professional coach and Internet TV show host Glen Keene gives practical tips to businesses and to future entrepreneurs to Enlighten, Engage and Empower to achieve success and full potential.

Persistence is one of the keys to unlocking your goals and desires.

Henry Ford, the famous industrialist, was well known for being adamant in his demands. He was quick to decide but slow to change his mind. He was persistent in his pursuit of what he believed to be the correct course of action, and his results spoke volumes. Had he not persisted in promoting the Model T automobile and continuing to manufacture it when others told him to stop he may not have made his fortune by selling cars.

Advertisers and ad agencies know that being persistent pays. The quality of the product, its availability and value are only part of the message. It is persistence in the messaging that sells an audience. Have you ever noticed how some TV ads are repeated during the commercial break of the same show? Persistence pays. The repetition creates the desired results.

Persistently pursuing your goals is just the same. Without persistent effort you will not achieve your dreams. When you persist in making your disciplines into habits you will be rewarded. If you fail to be persistent, you will not realize you desires, goals and dreams. Persistence is the glue that holds it all together.

If your goals are lofty and your support system is weak you will need a ton of persistence. To continue in the face of opposition, especially of those closest to you, is the sign of someone determined to fulfill their potential. When others around you do not share your goals or fail to see your vision, being persistent demonstrates that you are determined. The more you persist, whatever your goals may be, the greater your chances of success are. The more success you enjoy, the less negativity you will face while your resolve will become stronger.

Determination to succeed and persistence are key ingredients to successful actions. There are many characteristics needed to be successful. However, without persistence, the determination to see things through, and the drive to improve over time, the actions you take will likely fall short of total success. Successful people understand that determination, especially in the face of adversity, is the key that will unlock the door to their goals and desires.

Motivation is required to get started but can quickly dissipate if you lack determination and persistence. Motivation can come from many sources, but persistence and determination are the products of your desire. The more deeply you desire a particular result, achievement, goal, or dream the greater you will require determination and persistence to attain it. Stoking the flames of your desire will ensure that you remain laser focused, determined and persistent.

The above is an excerpt from Glen’s soon-to-be e-published book There Are No Secrets. Look for future announcements here and on Glen’s show.

Glen Keene’s Spotlight on Success’ is streamed live every Wednesday at 6:30p from Glen’s guest on Wednesday July 25 is Al Garlick, CEO of Accelerated Advertising.

Email, visit or call 845-445-2411 with questions about Glen’s column, his show or his practice at 99 Main Street in Nyack, NY.

No legal advice is intended or implied herein.

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