Nyack, May 9 — Three special events brought crowds from around the villages and across the world to Nyack last weekend.
- The Fellowship Of Reconciliation (FOR) and Nyack Mayor Richard Kavesh hosted “Hizonner’s Hike To The Hook,” a fundraising walk to Nyack Beach State Park. Seventy hikers participated raising more than $2,000 for Japan and Haiti relief charities.
Nyack’s Library opened its doors in 1903, thanks to a $15,000 donation by Andrew Carnegie. Last Saturday, the library marked the completion of a three year $11.5 million expansion with a public rededication. “What a great day was yesterday’s celebration of the new library,” said Nyack resident Roger Cohen. “It’s just that sort of event that makes us proud to live in Nyack and proud to be part of the community’s goings-on.”
Over 2000 cyclists sprinted through Nyack on their way to Bear Mountain during the first annual Gran Fondo bike tour on Sunday. The 100 mile bike event attracted riders and teams from across the region and 57 countries. The top male finisher with the best total time during four hill climbs was 29 year old Clayton Barrows from State College, PA. The fastest woman on the hills was 48 year old Marti Shea of Marblehead, MA, who hopes to make the 2012 U.S. cycling Olympic Trials.
See also:
- Sunday’s Big Bike Ride Routes Through Nyack, 5/7/2011
- It Takes A Village: Welcome Gran Fondo-Nauts, 5/7/2011
- Marti Shea rekindles the Olympic dream, Marblehead Reporter 8/11/2010
- Nyack Marks Library Rededication, Journal News, 5/8/2011
Photo Credits: Richard Kavesh, Roger S. Cohen, Dave Zornow