What do the TZB, the Golden Gate and the Ponte Vecchio have to do with FDR, Barack Obama, and Chris Christie? They are all named in a recent article in the UK’s The Telegraph about US infrastructure and the Tappan Zee Bridge.
They only get noticed when they’re built or fall down. And appetite for the first and fear of the second has got America talking bridges. The Tappan Zee Bridge across the Hudson River in New York, which was opened in 1955, needs almost constant repairs. Experts reckon it will be cheaper to build a new bridge but there’s no agreement on how to pay for it.
Although unedited comments in local publications rarely inform — other than to remind you how silly some of your neighbors might be — comments posted to a British online newspaper about America’s infrastructure needs can tell us quite a bit about how others see us. It’s worthy of a click.
Nyack also gets a mention in the Telegraph’s World’s Best Places to Live column on real estate where our local office of Sotheby’s has a mention.
- Wall Street stirs as America looks to get rid of its rusty infrastructure, telegraph.co.uk, 3/4/2011
- expatdirectory.telegraph.co.uk
Photo Credit: Pix E. at Nyack Snap