New City, July 7 — Route 59 might slow to a crawl some days with too much traffic and too many lights. But at least we don’t have to deal with a toll house, mules and oxen anymore. Take an Armchair Walking Tour and learn the rich history of The Nyack Turnpike tonight at 7:30p at the Rockland County Historical Society.
On July 21 at 7:30p, hear about Kings Highway, the first major road in Rockland County and for many years the only road from New York to Albany.
The Rockland Historical Society is at 20 Zukor Road New City, NY
Following the presentations, visit the HSRC’s current exhibit, “Images of Rockland in Photographs and Words.”
The next topic for the ‘Armchair Walking Tour’ series, “Rockland Reminiscing with Arthur Gunther III”, will be presented by Art Gunther at the Historical Society on August 4th at 7:30p.
Photo Credit: Historical Marker Database
Source: Wikipedia, Rockland County