Nyack, July 1 — The NY Times says it’s time to stop watching the river and get out on the water and go for a glide. Even if you don’t know nuthin ’bout sailing, there’s a role for you as “rail meat” to balance out a crew.
The Nyack Boat Club is featured in a story about a beautiful Friday night sail on a perfect early summer evening.
Get to Nyack, on the Hudson 25 miles north of Manhattan, and stand on the dock of the Nyack Boat Club before a scheduled race. “There’s always people looking for crew, you would definitely find a ride, even without any experience,” said Tom Lawton, who sails a 17-foot Thistle, one of the nation’s top 10 fastest such vessels. The club’s regular races are Wednesdays from 5:30 until dusk, and Sundays at noon.
The Times says there are always skippers looking for a crew. NYCSailing.com, kind of a Match.Com for skippers and crews from Raritan Bay to Connecticut, lists 63 boats ISO bodies including a couple of listings from Nyack.
Source: New York Times, 7/1/2010
Photo Credit: Dave Zornow. Hudson River from Main St. in Nyack, 7/1/2010.
See Also: Nyack Boat Club