Most donations to food banks are of the canned and packaged variety, but did you know there’s a way to donate fresh, local, healthy produce? Plant a Row for the Hungry is a national campaign, started by the Garden Writers Association. They help individuals and organizations connect to food banks and other charities that can use surplus produce. Demand for hunger assistance has increased by 70% in recent years. If every gardener plants a single row of extra produce and donates it to their local food bank, it will help address this need and they’ll be joining others who are contributing to the over 1 million pounds of fresh produce donated each year through this campaign.
Girl Scouts from Valley Cottage School, Juniors Troop #40027 planted cucumbers, green onions, squash, and lettuces in their school courtyard for those in need. The produce will be donated to a designated group (or groups) under the “Plant a Row” organization. The girls would like to continue this tradition, by encouraging upcoming Junior scouts to plant here too, in this dedicated bed. They plan to paint the wood around the bed to earmark it for many spring plantings to come!
You don’t need to be a member of a Girl Scout troop to participate. Anyone, even the individual gardener — or grocery buyer — can contribute.
Jennifer Hausler writes the Nyack Backyard blog. Here’s a list of organizations in Rockland County that accept produce donations. Always call first to determine drop off times.
Catholic Community Services of Rockland (Haverstraw) 845-942-5791
Christ Episcopal Church (Suffern) 845-357-1615 ext. 16
Church of Christ (Haverstraw) 845-429-9696
Community Action Partnership (Spring Valley) 845-352-4167
Community Outreach Program (Monsey) 845-356-9600 x102
Faith Temple Outreach Food Pantry (Spring Valley) 845-507-2310
Greenbush Presbyterian Church (Blauvelt) 845-359-4666
HASCO (Spring Valley) 845-352-5897
New Generation Church of God in Christ (Spring Valley) 845-425-2557
North Rockland Food Pantry at Trinity United Methodist Church (Stony Point) 914-393-2700
Nyack Headstart (Nyack) 845-358-2234
Open Bible Food Pantry (Stony Point) 845-825-2298
People to People (West Nyack) 845-623-4900
Project Hope Food Pantry (Spring Valley) 845-596-4572
Project Turning Point @ St. Agatha’s (Valley Cottage) 845-893-5323
Rockland Family Shelter (New City) 845-634-3391
Rockland Interfaith Breakfast/United Church of Spring Valley 845 356-2863
Rockland Jewish Family Services (West Nyack) 845-354-2121 x148
Sloatsburg UMC Food Pantry (Sloatsburg) (845)753-2059
Soup Angels @ First Reformed Church of Nyack 914-582-6796
St Ann’s / St. Vincent de Paul Food (Nyack) 845-358-5941
St Paul’s Food Cupboard (W. Congers) 845 268-3101
T.O.U.C.H. (Congers) 845-268-8023 x11
The Salvation Army (Spring Valley) 845-352-9577 x23
Tomche Shabbos of Rockland (Monsey) 845-356-0202
United Methodist Church of Spring Valley 845-356-0238
Upper Room House of Worship Food Pantry (Spring Valley) 845-638-5607