The newspaper formerly known as The Bergen Record ( writes about how Nyack has changed — and the role that taxes and tolls played in its growth.
More specifically, why the world outside Nyack sees one community but how we have come to refer to ourselves as The Village, Upper and South Nyack (and West and Central, too).
“As time passed, more and more problems surfaced and more and more mistakes were made. In the south, this unfavorable set of circumstances was compounded by the perception that the improvements, and the money it cost to make them, benefited neither them nor their property. The simmer morphed into a boil.
With their disgruntlement firmly in tow, citizens to the south began an effort to break up the Nyack incorporation. They were successful and quickly did their own incorporating, naming the new municipality, South Nyack.
The lay of the land then was an incorporated village in the north, Upper Nyack, and an incorporated village in the south, South Nyack, with the area in between unincorporated.”
There’s talk of consolidation — some silly and some serious. But maybe enough has changed since the 1800’s to consider putting Humpty back together again.
Source: The Bergen Record (
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